This proved to be another exciting year full of activities for Chi Sigma Alpha and Regina. Chi Sigs celebrated their 25th anniversary wi'th a membership of 110 men. As the second largest men 's club, they were very active in sports, winning the "A" team All-Sports trophy as well as several other "A" team championships. Chi Sigs' float trip started the year off right. Other highlights included a fall hayride, a Homecoming breakfast honoring returning members, and the annual Spring Banquet. X~A Regina also stayed busy living up to their motto, "Others Before Self". They participated in most club sports as well as holding their annual outing to Petit Jean Mountain, a hayride, a Christmas party and Spring Banquet. Together, Chi Sigs and Regina continued to provide daily service to the Schoenberger family who has a handicapped son. Also they held many joint devotionals at Bee Rock. Other activities included a Thanksgiving dinner, a Valentines party, and Spring Sing. Their show, "The Orient Express - Don't Leave Home Without It" won first place in the music q1tegory and second runner-up in the Sweepstakes competition. Chi Sigs and Regina, together numbering over 180 members, worked hard and successfully, proving that no matter how large any club may get, unity is still a reality. -Savannah Morley WHAT NEXT? Regina pledgemistress Paulette Dickerson, senior, searched the Student Center for another task to assign pledges Katherine Willis, freshman, and Kim Steele, freshman. Pledge week was full of activity for both club members and pledges. -Photo by Brian Lovegrove. 216 Keeping unified MAIL. In the Student Center, Murphy Crowson, showed Susan Dell, both freshmen, the new magazine he received in the mail. Students periodically checked their mail boxes in hopes of a letter, check, or anything. -Photo by Brian Lovegrove. ACTING. Eric Swenson, sophomore, practiced his skit for the Pied Pipers in the Administration Auditorium. Many members of Chi Sigs and Regina broadened their interests by joining several of the organizations offered on campus. Photo by Cole Bennett.