PURPLE BANANAS. Ju Go Ju Beau Ty Webb, a senior, served as announcer at the annual Galaxy-Ju Go Ju banana split sale. Funds went to an Italian missionary. -Photo by Cole Bennett. NOW YOU SEE IT ... Sophomore Bryan Osejo assisted illusionists Stuart and Lori in their show in October. Performers of all types stopped at Harding during their tours of the country. -Photo by Sharon Bowles. 214 Keeping unified. GALAZY-Front row: Ty Webb, Jim Davis, Bret Raymond, Judd Huie, Eric Lindsey, Jason Pace, Mark Baker, Emanuel Tabora, Carlos Espinoza, Pedro Velasquez, Dayna Wiggin, Rebecca McDonough, Lisa Tucker; Second row: Dana Deree, Daniel Draper, Ramon Osejo, Rafael Martinez, Scott Genry, Scott Coursey, Michael Thomas, Harold Ortiz; Third row: Allan Dye, Mark Waters, Petuel Hong, Mike Webb, Brady Allmon, Brett Watson, Ed White, Wade Wicker, Michael Pruitt, Abraham Quesada; Back row: Joe Brigance, Robbie Raisor, Bryan Jackson, Paul Long, Don Strader, Tom Wood, David Cunningham, Bob Mengelberg. -Photo by Cole Bennett JU GO JU-Front row: Kelly Livingston, Christy Castellaw, Yasmin Bledsoe, Karen Mayfeild, Jill Tate, Faith Howe, Hope Sharp, Brenda Bobo, Tami Hollingsworth, Gina Verkler, Kara Dunaway, Bonnie Dunn, Leah Reaves, Tanya Wilks, Kara Sanders; Second row: Melissa Walling, Sarah Harper, Angela Spears, Samantha Rice, Tami Keplar, Sonja Nelson, Lisa Schroer, Danielle Patton, Miko Fujisawa, Laura Hicks, Jan Fields, Chrystal Williams, Angie Hanna; Third row: Stacey Alexander, Angela Bockmon, Kelly Conolty, Alicia Bowen, Kim Burrs, Jenni Drummond, Julie Burdge, Gretchen Lyons, Nancy Cope, Kelly Ogden, Shelley Shafer, Julie Svymhersky; Fourth row: Cheryl Waite, Monya Martin, Amie Machen, Sara Gaston, Shannon Banks, Angie Butler, Jill Traylor, Cathy Carpenter, Kimberly Dobbs, Tammie Kempton, Debbie Runyon; Fifth row: Lenore Oelze, Kathy Thompson, Lisa Toutman, Vicky Ridge, Robin Cox, Mane Davis, Andrea Lwely, Shannon Waggoner, Elizabeth Doyle, India Medders; Back row: Mike Foster, Ty Webb, Lance Duncan, Lisa Tucker, Karen Norwood, Crystal Stevens, Rebecca Wimpy, Cindy Nichols, Daphne Wilborn, Kathy Glover, Carla Kerbey (Sponsor); Karen Dewoody (Sponsor), Kathy Bruner (Sponsor), Courtney Cheney, Andy Thomas, Kim Kirkman, Dayna Wiggins, Randy Williams. -Photo by Cole Bennett