PRYOR RETEIRES. Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, respectively called D r. Joe by his peers, helped during the basketball games by keeping score. -Photo by Sharon Bowles. Pryor reaches plateau as athletic representative T hirty years was a Jong time for most people. Only a handful of careers reach the three-decade plateau. For Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, his 30 years of service as Harding's faculty athletic representative to the Arkansas Intercollegiate conference has passed quickly. The enduring physical science professor, who announced his retirement earli - er in the year, said his goodbyes at a recent AIC-FAR meeting and ended yet another chapter in his many years of service to the school. His retirement was quiet and uneventful, but it didn't go without notice. The longest standing member of the influential committee, Pryor closed out his career by completing his third two-year term as president of the AIC. He capped the tenure by outlining Harding's and the AIC's modern athletic history in a farewell address, introducing Dr. Wilt Martin as the school's new faculty representative, and turning the presidential gavel over t o Henderson State FAR Dr. Manuel Ramirez. "The AIC has come a long way since 1958 because the FAR have worked together cooperatively in an effor t to have a program dedicated to the best interest of the st udent athletes, " he told the committee. Harding's entry into the AIC came at a time of transi - tion in the league. The conference was formally established in 1938, but for several years it had disintegrated due to conflict between college presidents, who set poli - cies and procedures. Harding was a member of the conference until the school disbanded varsity athletics in 1939 and dedicated its resources to an outstanding intramural program. In 1957, Pryor helped direct a proposal that Harding resume intercollegiate competition. After much discussion by the faculty, the resolution passed and the school joined the AIC a year later with Pryor appointed as faculty representative. "There is no way that the AIC, specifically, the NAIA, generally, will not be damaged by the loss of the active involvement of Joe Pryor," Farris said. "He taught all of us in the AIC a lot about integrity, honesty and fairness." -Angie Mote Peggy Westbrook-Custodi an , Kendall Hall David White -Plumber Chester Williams -Director, Carpent ry, Pain ti ng Mike Williams-Ass istan t Director, Admi ssions Shirley A. Williams -Catal oging Li brarian Rosemary Wilson-Ass istan t to Director, Admi ssions David Woodroof-Director, Educational Med ia Cente r Ann Wright -Secreta ry, Uni ve rsity Relations Phyliss R. Wright -Admini strat ive Ass istant, Physical Plant Engineer June Wyatt -Dorm Supervisor, Stephens Hall Richard H. Yeager-Securi ty Officer Bernard D. Young-Maintenance Pat Young-Ass istant to Vi ce Pres ident, Finance 183