~CHOOL OF RELIGION Slate assutnes dual role A s a distinctly Christian University, Harding was continually striving to improve its biblical education. In the recent past, the number of students graduating to become preachers and missionaries has decreased. There were three branches of biblical study: the College of Bible and Religion, the Graduate School of Bible and Religion , and the School of Biblical Studies. Many felt a need for a change to increase these numbers. That change came in creating a completely new office-the Dean of Harding University Graduate School of Religion and College of Bible and Religion. In filling the office, a person who had experience in both preaching and missions was found in Dr. Philip Slate. Creating this new position reorganized the system. Slate was moved to Searcy from Memphis, where he served as the Dean of the Graduate VISITING MISSIONARY. Monte Cox taught at Harding as the visiting missionary for the 1988-89 school year. Each year a different missionary teaches. -Photo by Jeff Montgomery. School. Each of the separate schools was headed by associate Deans under Slate. These associate Deans are based at their respective campuses. There were advantages and disadvantages to the situation. Slate said "My work is harder now that I'm living in two different places." However, he makes the best of it. "My wife drives and I sit in the back seat; I get two hours of work done between Searcy and Memphis." Other advantages given by Slate were publicity, development of programs, and student recruiting. In the department, a curriculum committee evaluated the entire Bible and Religion program. A special emphasis was placed on the needs of freshmen and bible majors. Results of the study will be used to make any necessary changes in the department. On August 1-4 the annual 13-in-1 workshop was held with over 500 out-of-town guests registering. Uplift was a success with ·400 registered campers as well as parents and teachers on campus. -Janelle McFarland Keeping the grade 177