Morris Ray Ellis, Ph.D.- Associate Professor of Communications Patrick Garner, Ph.D.-Professor of Communication Michael James, M.S.M.C.- Assistant Professor of Journalism & Director of Media Productions Jack R. Shock, M.A.~ Associate Instructor & Advisor of Student Publications Daniel C. Tullos, Ph.D.-Assistant Professor of Communication Evan Ulrey, Ph.D.-Professor of Communication Rebecca Weaver, M.C.D., C.C.C.- S.L.D.-Professor of Communication 158 Keeping the grade POP TUNES. Kern Bruner, sophomore, cues another song on KHCA, Harding's student radio station. The station, located in the basement of the Ganus Building, provided opportunities for students to gain practical experience in the field of radio production. Photo by Sharon Bowles. GET YOUR FUDGECICLES!! Dr. Larry Long and Steve Edelhuber pass out goodies at the ice cream social. The social is a yearly event provided by the College church of Christ. Photo by Leslie Downs. COMMUNICATIONS Student productions provide hands-on experience The Communications Department offered classroom experience with a hands on method. Under the direction of Dr. John Ryan it provided production, publication and clinical practice for students interested in the fields of communication. A campus radio and cable TV station provided additional experience for broadcast majors. The broadcast field was dirt:~ted by Micheal James, an assisfant professor of communication. James selected student directors for both the studios of KHCA and TV19. Campus publications included the Petit Jean and the Bison, the school yearbook and newspaper. These publications were student staffed and operated with Jack Shock, assistant professor of communications and director of student publications, serving as the faculty advisor. Another student group ·was the forensics team under the direction of Dr. Patrick Garner, associate professor of communications. In theater Dr. Morris Ellis, director of theater, was the faculty advisor and coordinated all of the productions. The department offered a new theatrical troupe named Pied Pipers, which was a children's theater group. A beneficial service to the community was provided by the speech pathology portion of the department. This group of majors was under the codirection of Dr. Daniel Tullos associate professor of speech, and Beckie Weaver, assistant professor of communication. They ran a clinic for children with communication disorders. There were also a number of honor groups in the department including Alpha Epsilon Rho, a broadcast fraternity, Pi Kappa Delta, a forensics fraternity , and Alpha Psi Omgea, a drama fraternity. -Don Strader j t