1988-1989 Yearbook

This year's musical, Carousel, a Rodgers and Hammerstein production, was held during Homecoming weekend. The story revolves around the lives of two couples and is set in a small New England town in the 1800's. When Billy Bigelow, played by Conrad Ekkens, fell in love with Julie Jordan, played by Shelli Meador, it was the beginning of a stormy relationship. Meanwhile, Enoch Snow, played by Robert Ritter and Carrie Pepperidge, played by India Medders, established and maintained a happy-go-lucky alliance. Bigelow had been LEADING LADIES. India Medders, junior, as Carrie Pepperidge and Laura Beth Henderson, sophomore, as Net tie Fowler were cast members. - Photo by Ken Bissell. Carnivals, clambakes and a con-man came to life in Carousel married for only a short time when he began to beat his wife. Julie told him they were expecting a child. He did not have any skills, so he decided to rob a local merchant in order to financially care for the child. The attempt failed , during the escape he fell to his death on his own knife. As the story progresses Bigelow finds himself in heaven, at the back gates. He discovers that 15 years have already gone by on earth. He was told by his Heavenly Friend, played by Scott Stewart, that he had not done enough good while on earth but he would be given another chance. Through coaxing from his Heavenly Friend, Bigelow was at last able to say the right things and lift the burden of unhappiness from his daughter's life. Opinions about the musical varied among students. " I enjoyed watching and listening to all the talented performers, " said Vanessa Wharton. Janelle McFarland said, "The choreography was very impressive as was the overall performance," and Matt Heritage commented, "I admire the dedication of the performers and the time it took to make such an extravaganza." - Janna Wharton. PICKPOCKET. Becky Douglass, sophomore, Greg Hargett, freshman, and Conrad Ekkens, senior were primary cast members of "Carousel." -Photo by Ken Bissell. Carousel 119