1988-1989 Yearbook

qmpetition is an e.s~en~!.al part of life. Excelleilce '%1n attitude and in perfoi:ma:J1ce ,::.are essential to competitors. Whether a particip:ant;:i:11rn ihtercpllegiate, intraqiur~J, c~~b, or, individual athletics 'eacli £onipetitor feels pr@ud1 1rl'@f .Jlis contribution. Each strives to create new friendsliips )ta:as Well as team unity, while coaches and fans aim to support. "Number one" is more than2<just0rai:,.king at the top on the outside, ~ut ... pia~ing it to the top on the inside. Tnese ·'feelings make players more ,,motivated <tUu.in~ting the spirit of competition and performance. Our slogan was "Back the Bjs01!£'," However it was more than just a s·aying, because no matter what field, floor., or diamond ... we're playing for keeps. · -Don Strader 8 Playing for keeps ACROSS THE U~E. Eri~ Vanmatre, junior, crosses the finish line at a near record time during the Ha.rding Invitational meet. Vanmatre went on to reset the record in the May AIC conference mee~~. -Pho.to by Ken Bissell. .. ..