1988-1989 Yearbook

S ummer School set a record enrollment of 1,154 students, a 164 student increase over the 990 students during 1987. This was a 14 percent increase over the 1983 summer record enrollment of 991 students. Students came to Summer School%r a variety of reasons. "I didn't want to be strapped into taking a full load during the fall semester. Summer School gave me the option to lighten my load," said Christy Cox, sophomore. Cox went on to say, "Summer provided a much more relaxed atmosphere. The classes were concentrated but there wasn't as much pressure as there is during the fall and spring High temperatures and record enrollment characterized summer semesters." Several people took a part in Summer School action. Although Dr. Long was the Director of Summer Sessions, he believes that Dr. Jimmy Carr, the current Assistant to the President, deserves some of the credit. Carr was the Director of Summer Sessions until 1983. Working under him, we set the previous all time record of enrollment. Long said, "Dr. Carr laid the groundwork, and it was my job to continue the program." Other special recognition goes to Steve Beliech, the Student Association Activities Coordinator. He kept the students alive with special activities. One of the activities was taking a group of students to St. Louis for a ball game. "There was an overwhelming response for the trip to St. Louis. I took 37 people and had to turn some down," Beliech said. "It was an absolute fantastic trip because it gave the students a chance to get away and do something out of the 'norm', and to go as a group." Other recognition goes to the Admissions people who, in their efforts, reached out: encouraged students, and kept them interested. The Public Relations office printed the Summer School brochures, which told the students of the summer program. -Sharon Way CONVERSATION. Branden Ash and Lesley Thomas, both freshman, take a minute to visit on the Administration Building steps. Summer School's relaxed atmosphere was very conducive to mid-afternoon study breaks. -Photo by Jeff Montgomery. Summer School 99