1987-1988 Yearbook

With the leadership of president Jonathan Mosby and uidance from s nsors Ed White and Travis Thompson , King's Men social club enjoyed a prosperous year, drawing closer together and making lasting memories. King's Men had earlier been a top contender in middle club sports , and this year the club attempted to achieve that position once again. Though they participated in softball , footballl , volleyball , and other sports, showing their competitive edge and good sportsmanship, none of the club's teams captured a championship. In the spring, King's Men enjoyed their spring banquet at the Little Rock Governor's Inn . It was a night of memories, laughter, and sadness as graduating seniors said their farewells. Service became a club goal this year. The men expressed their servant attitude through service projects, such as their helping the Nigerian Christian Hospital by collecting bandages, gauze, and other medical supplies. Moreover, the club assisted their sister club, OEGE, with their annual blood drive. Spiritually, King's Men focused on new directions, and ways to lift up themselves and others for God. The year's devotional theme, "Getting Pumped Up for the Lord," indicated the club's desire to meet this end. The year proved to be an optimistic one overall for King's Men, a precedent for successful years to come. 02King·s Men 0 Brother and Bister Clubs King's Men. First row: Westbrook, Osburn, Bon ner, Townsdin, Epps, Baril, Mosby, Rigney, Mat thews, Berger, Lester. Second row: Land, Thorn· ton, Albright, Klein , Celsor, Whitman , Carr, Wilson , White. Back row: Smith , Lawrence, Killen . - photo by Bill Tripp. Line-up. On Sunday, October 3, King 's Men pledges David Thornton, from Kumasi, Ghana, Jimmy Carr, from Batesville, MS, and Tim Moody, from Leesberg, FL , all freshmen, meet at the press box at Alumni Field to accept a bid into their newly selected club. King's Men always had their pledges meet to receive their pledge books and pledgemasters for the next hectic week. - photo by Bill Tripp. Pledge, don't smile. Junior King 's Men member Perry Epps, from Rockford, IL , instructs King 's Men pledge Tim Bonner, a junior from Marianna , AR, not to smile during their early morning meeting on the wall on silly day. Also on silly day, pledges were expected to wear their very noticeable red fire hat.s. - photo by Danny Meeks. CHUCK BARIL... "The one thing I like most about King's Men social club is that they accept people for what they are. And I like that."