1987-1988 Yearbook

FOSTER LEE\ -----"For me the advantages of club life did not outweigh the disadvantages\A heavy schedule of classes and church activities plus a lack of time for and/or interest in Spring Sing, banquets, and sports makes membership in a social club less attractive." \ MELANIE ANDERSON... "Clubs are good for people who do not know many folks or for people that are new and indecisive. A SOCIAL club - they are great for just that, but when you find that Harding becomes apermanent home for you, you find support and friends in your club as well as other friends elsewhere." JERRY TRAJGHBER... "I chose to go inaLve because I just did not__. have the time to participate in the club functions. I oos involved in enough other activities and responsibilities to stay busy and meet new people, so involvement in a social club was not really a priority for me." Marblemaze mania. Former social club member, Jody Loudermilk, a junior from Stuttgart, AR, shows the final marble maze product for his 3D art class. Loudermilk put emphasis on his art classes whereas before he would have had to chose between club activities and his time-consuming major requirements. Although not involved with a "social" club, Loudermilk was actively involved with the art guild which served as his social club outlet. - photo by Bill Tripp. 72 Clubless Students The Inactive Alternative