1987-1988 Yearbook

"Marine Colonel Oliver North briefly grabbed the spotlight during the Senate Iran-Contra hearings in 1987. North assessed the hearings for what they were: Senate inquiries and not a court oflaw. He played to the grandst.and, the American television audience, whom he felt would be his final judge. Many viewers gave his performance rating a 'JO,' whether or not they understood the issues, and considered him 'presidential timber.' Others took a 'wait and see' attitude." titude.'' - Dr. Raymond Muncy Professor of History "I do not believe anyone can point 11 finger at the exact culprit of the rash of airline crashes we have been experiencing the last few years. There are many factors that contribute to an accident such as pilot error, an overstressed air traffic control system, and even terrorist activities. We cannot entirely eliminate the element of chance, and it is a fact that driving a car has greater risks involved than flying commercially. Obviously, there is no way to make flying JOO% safe. However, flying on an airliner is still the safest way to go from point A to point B at ten miles a minute. That 's the bottom line.'' - Scott Peugeot Private Pilot "I remember when I first saw it on television . I felt so sorry for the little girl! I was sure she was going to die after geing down in that well so Jong. I guess that's why I sat in front of the television for several hours that Friday night when all the networks carried the rescue live. I couldn't believe she actually lived for three days while being down there. I was so happy when they finally got her out. I think that it's something that I will always remember. " - Monica Bagley "The Jimmy Swaggert incident is a result ofbeing human and being placed on a pedestal. Man was not meant to placed in a position of unfallibility. Man sins, God does not. If only everybody would glorify Him instead.'' - Wade Gillespie Bible major "The exposure of the Bakker moral scandal critically wounded the credibility of tele-evangelism; the financial misappropriations confirmed the suspicion of many outsiders (and som~ insiders) that churches are predominantly self-serving." - Ross Cochran Instructor of Bible "The presence of the United St.ates Navy in the Persian Gulfoffers something for everybody; it allows our sailors to train under combat conditions during peacetime; it protects our allies' oil supplies at little cost to them; it gives the Soviets something to condemn us for while their armies occupy Afghanist.an; it gives Congress something to complain about; it gives the President something that can divert attention away from domestic problems; it allows several Arab st.ates to continue to sell expensive oil to the West, and it gives Iraq and Iran a potential t.arget for the weapons we and our allies sell them. Above all, it confuses the rest of us." - Mark Elrod Instructor of Political Science World news Student Life 45