1987-1988 Yearbook

Susan Downing Arnette - Salinas , CA Ricky Lynn Ashlock - Conway, AR Michelle R. Barbeau - Rochester, MN Beverly Anne Bergschicker - Schaumbu rg , IL Brenda Lee Bergschicker - Schaumburg, IL Sherry Lynn Bever - Caldwell , OH Tammy Rena Brown - Kensett , AR Mica Angela Brown - Houston, TX Matthew Francis Bugg - Troy, Ml Andy P. Burns - Spring, TX Robert Carter - Clarksvill e, AR Erin Caundy - Wynne, AR Leah Carolyn Coble - Birmingham, AL Brenda Joanne Craig - New Bedfo rd , IL Jenna Rebecca Cross - Pensacola , FL Sally Jane Diehl - Beckley, WV Carol Elliott - W. Memphis, AR Brett Ferguson - Dexter, MO LillialJ. Ferguson - Atl anta , GA Alice Elaine Fletcher - Gilmer, TX John David Folding - Westlake, LA Dana Lynn Fulbright - Goodlettsville, TN 2go I " I> '4 <Q D V Q p °t> ~ Arnette - Fu1brighf, 'II • ~ b ,.. t> " ., " o. Second Semester Students" Q ~ i> <> q '° 4 1> <l q ~ 4 .. ~ 0 qt> p ~ <>., vf>~Qv~ ... A 4 <> '44 ., 9 ~ ~ t> ~ .c. C> Visitor. During women's open house, j unior Foster Lee, from Shreveport, LA , visits Angie Thomas, a sophomore from Terre Haute, IN. - photo by Michael Rodgers. Lost in a Men's Dorm Maze A nother unfamiliar corner. Where does this hallway lead? Wind down the strange corridor, look for a recognizable mark. Been here before? Can't tell. There's a way out. There has to be. Don't panic. Stay calm. Maybe someone will come and help. Right or left? What's down there? Wait a minute ... is that a door? Walk ...walk ... faster. . .it looks.. .it looks like...open the door. . .hurry...open , open, open .. . ahhh . .. finally, you ' re out. It's a sheer labyrinth. An endless collection of winding mazes. Getting out could take a whole school year. The women of campus would always struggle with this massive puzzle. The complexity of the layout of the men's dorms would continue to frustrate all who visited the hallowed halls each semester during Open House. Even with the confusion that this event brought, hundreds of curious females flocked to the usually forbidden dorms, the humble abode of their male counterparts. Little did they know what surprises laid in store for them. The dorms evolved into bakery shops and Japanese gardens. Women jumped to avoid fiery tennis balls rolling down the hallway targeted for the female guests. The sounds of ancient Japanese music flowed from one room as familiar tunes from "The Big Chill" echoed from another. The scent of burning incense filled the air beckoning a visitor to venture into their room of the unknown. Once inside, the female fought her way through African jungles, scaled towering lofts, and attended Hawaiian luaus . The men treated their women as honored guests. They rolled out the red carpet by serving the traditional but delicious cookies and punch in efforts not to let their guests leave on empty stomachs. Steak dinners were a little too much to ask. As the competitive nature arose in the men , women willingly signed guests books in order that the men could compare and determine who the women liked most. It was an ego trip of sorts. Now everyone knew that Open House required a touch of preparation . The room seen on that special night was not the same room that existed on the following morning. The living quarters that the guests saw were minus a few minor added touches. Where were the dirty clothes , the posters of beautiful women , the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, and the wadded up bedsheets? Who hid the empty box of last month's leftover pizza and the infamous pairs of sweaty and now stiff socks? What was it that was contained within the wall s of the men's living quarters that continued to arouse the curiosity of the women semester after semester? Perhaps, it was the opportunity to visit a normally off-limits place, or maybe it was the chance to make new friends, or in some cases, it was the chance for all girlfriends to really see how many pictures that wonderful man has up of her or how many he has of someone else. Why would the men offer such hospitality to the anxious, curious guests? Why go to all of the trouble to make a good impression? It continued to be that one overriding reason that dominates the lives of most men ... women. Many a Friday night date was the result of Open House. Movie theaters made a bundle after that night. Finally the clock struck twelve, or ten in this case, and it was time for all Cinderallas to leave the ball. The coach would return to its former state of a pumpkin until the fairy godmother, or Patty Barrett , used her magic wand to transform it back again next semester. - Laura Ruggles