1987-1988 Yearbook

Richard Ernest Reid - Cayo, Belize. Economics . Ann Maria Reynolds - Dayton , OH . Music. Regina , A Cappella , Women's Ensemble (director), English Campaigns , Campus Mini stry, Dean's List , Good News, HUF, Student Impact. Karen Beth Reynolds - Batesvi lle, AR. Public Relations. OEGE, Bison staff, Campus Ministry, JOY, KHCA staff, Petit Jean staff, PRSSA , Channel 12 staff. Leslie Jean Rhoads - Durand , Ml. Music Education. Transferred from Michigan Christian College. Phi Delta (devotional director), A Tempo, Flag Corps, Belles and Beaux , Chorale, SMENC. David Earl Richardson - Sylvin Lake, MI. Biology. Ellen Kaye Richardson - Memphis, TN . Management . Lori Ann Richardson - Springfield , MO. Interior Design . Ralph Caroll Richardson - Jay, OK . An. Beta Phi Kappa, Eastern European Campaigns, Kirei Na Ai beau , Friends, Timothy Club. Paul Alan Rickett - Al exander, AR. Computer Information Systems. Lance Allan Riddick - Sarasota, FL. Bible. Michele Leona Riel - Manchester, NH. Psychology . Steven Jay Rigney - Memphis , TN. Psychology . Dawn E. Riley - Ft. Worth , TX . Element.ary Education . Hernan Lucas Rivero! - Corozal Town , Belize. Management . Transferred from St. John's College. Alpha Chi , Dean's Li st , lntramural s, Petit Jean staff (photographer) , SAM , Channel 12 , Walton Scholarship recipient. Karla Rene Robbins - Lake Ozark, MO. Management . Michelle Ann Robbins - Roanoke, IL. Management . Alpha Chi, American Studies, Chorale, Dean's List , SAM. 272Seniors Reid - Robbins Christian education on a whim B y the time their senior year arrived , most students could look back and see major changes in themselves and their plans from the time they'd entered college as freshmen. One of those changes for many students was literally a major change - that is, they changed their major during the course of their education . One student in particular demonstrated this sort of change. He began college an art major but finished with a biology degree and plans for medical school. But David Richardson's experience represented more than a change in course of study: his coming to Harding caused a change in his overall life plan. "Growing up, I never wanted to be anything but a soldier - or maybe an artist ," reflected David , whose father had served in the Navy and whose mom is an . artist. "Where I grew up, most people didn't even talk about college; it wasn't a consideration. Asking me why I hadn't considered college is like asking Huck Finn why he didn't run for president! Besides that, good students weren't my style." So, after finishing high school, David enlisted to join the Navy, following in his father's steps. He was scheduled to report for duty on September 22, 1983. But in August of that year, he received a phone call from Ron Cox , a Harding student and an old friend of David's. " Ron called and said he was riding his motorcycle down to Arkansas; would I go with him to ride his bike back?" On the spur of the moment , David agreed to go and so he found ·himself arriving at Harding during registration week - his first exposure to a college campus. "When I got here, I started talking to the people, since I was staying with Ron for a couple of days, and I realized they were just normal guys, gomg to college and enjoying it. I also realized they weren't all super-brains or anytnmg - in fact , some of them weren't that much smarter than myself! " On Wednesday of that week, his few clothes packed up ready for the trip home to Pontiac, Michigan, David considered for the first time that he just might be college material. " I'd always had the desire to learn. I read books all the time, even if they weren't school books. I nearly flunked out of high school, but my teachers were glad that at least I was learning something, I guess." His desire ~~ learn and his characteristic inclination toward adventure led him to decide that night, after a long talk with Ron , that he would stay and give college a try. The next day he missed the only class he was to miss for two straight years - and his excuse? " I wasn't a student yet! I spent the morning registering and working out finances." Ironically, the class he missed was art appreciation , and he chose art as his major. After a year of classes, he opted for a change, this time to biology. That decision wasn't without a certian ironic twist , either, noted David. "The only science I'd ever had was in eighth grade. I'd put some acid in the fish bowl. The bad part was that it killed all the goldfish , and my teacher banned me from experiments the rest of the year." But with diligent study habits, he overcame his lack of knowledge in the area, and by his junior year had earned a cumulative GPA high enough to gain entrance into Alpha Chi. David Richardson wouldn' t conclude the recounting of his experience without discussing the most significant change that occurred because of his decision to stay at Harding, his decision to become a Christian . " I was baptized near the end of my first year here. That has changed my life more than anything." Looking toward graduation from the school he'd come to on a whim, David concluded , "It's kind of funny to think back on that time. It seems like a long time ago. I'm ready to go on to somewhere else, but, well, Jimmy Carr said it better than anybody: " It's great to be at Harding!" - Sheila Underwood Lab chat. During an upper-level chemistry Jab, seniors Jonathan White, from Searcy, AR, and David Richardson, from Sylvin Lake, Ml, discusss different chemical reactions. Richardson came to Harding to visit and ended up atending Harding for five years. - photo by Bill Tripp.