Janet Marie King - Roseville, OH. Office Systems. Rebecca Ann King - Dumas, AR . Communication Disorders . Ka Re Ta, SSNA , Alpha Tau Epsi lon queen , Petit Jean Queen attendant , Student Impact. Jeffrey Riley Kinser - Monticello, IL. Computer Science. Titans (devotional director), Campus Mini stry, Dean·s List , Intramural All -Star, Men's Track, Student Impact program director. Carla Ann Klein - Littleton, CO. Office Systems. GATA (president , vice president , secretary, historian), Chi Delta Epsilon. Adrian Lee Knight - Salinas, CA . Computer In formation Systems, Spani h . Alpha Gamma Omega , Alpha Chi , American Studies , Venezuelan Campaigns, Campus Minis try, Theta Psi beau; DPMA , Dean' s Li st , Delta Mu Delta , Friends, Spani sh Club, Student lmpact. Sandra Garfield Knutsen - Fayettevi lle, NY. Public Relations. Anthony Allen Kocher - Bartlesville, OK . Management . Tiffany Dawn Kramoski - Sterl ing, IL. Management . Jerry Neal Lacefield - Bradenton, FL. Marketing. Martelia Tubb Langston - Birmingham, AL. Fashion Merchandising. Melanie Dawn Lanier - Gahanna , OH . Office Systems. Debra Sue Lape - Utica, NY. Mathematics. Keith John Lape - Utica, NY. Bible. Transferred from Northeastern Christian Junior College. Knights (devotional director), Alpha Chi , Campus Ministry, Dean's List , Outreach . SA Spiritual Life Committee, Timothy Club. Charlotte Suzanne Lar imore - Alvarado, TX. Marketing. Kappa Kappa Kappa , American Studies, Dean's List, Delta Mu Delta , SAM . Janelle Rene Laughary - Apache, OK . Elemenlllry Education . Tonia Lynn Lawrence - Searcy, AR . Elemenlllry Education. I ": ,. •... .,- .. -,." •/I. .,, 4. v I>' "' ...... 4 .d•r>~ ··· ~ ·· · : "·· " ~ "" Davis: The end of an age "I always wanted to be able to look back at the end of my life and say, 'That's what I should 've done.' " So Dr. Kenneth Davis, Jr., expressed the goal he set for himself years ago, showing his dedication to a life of service, hard work, and commitment to ideals. Dr. Davis, or "Uncle Bud ," as he was called by students who knew him personally, was introduced to Harding at an early age, beginning at Harding Elementary in the sixth grade in 1931. He continued through the academy and attended college for two years before completing his bachelor 's degree in choral conducting at North Texas State University. By that time, World War II had begun , so after working a few months, he enlisted in the Marines. Explaining his motivation at the time, Dr. Davis said , "need.'' During his fi ve years of service, he not only worked for the needs of the country, but also tried to meet the needs of those around him at the time. When asked to direct a choral ~roup in his ranks, Dr. Davis did so gladly, and he spoke fondly of the memories of singing with a group of men who never knew whether they would meet again to sing together. When he left the Marines , his last rank was that of captain . Upon returning to civilian life, he went into business, again in reaction to what he saw as a need he could help to fill. He and two other members of the church formed a company called "Wedding Service, Inc. ," in Dallas. They had their own recording service, recording music for weddings and other special occasions, and providing entertainment within a Christian context. In 1948, Dr. Davis was accepted for study at Westminster Choir College, where he obtained the masters degree in choral conducting. There he studied with well-known conductor John Finley Williamson, who Dr. Davis said had a tremendous impact on his life. "That's where I got a lot of my discipline, besides the Marines. You didn't talk in his rehearsals. If you even said a word , you were asked to leave." Dr. Davis described Wiliamson as a man of high ideals and a close friend. Of his time at Westminster, he said , "It was the greatest learning experience in my life as far as music goes ." Another great experience was just around the corner. Returning to Dallas, where he worked with the Pearl and Bryan church , taught at Southwestern Christian College, and worked on his doctorate at NTSU, Dr. Davis met the woman who was to become his wife. In 1953, the Davises moved their residence to Searcy, and Uncle Bud became director of the A Cappella Chorus. "That was my goal ever since I could remember," he reflected. "The reason I went to North Texas in the first place was that I wanted to come back to Harding and teach . I knew I needed that degree, and so I got it." A man with exceptional talent and with degrees from the best universities in his field , Dr. Kenneth Davis, Jr. , chose to remain at Harding. One couldn't help but wonder what caused this choice. Perhaps an understanding of his life philosophy provided the answer: "What's important in life is going to heaven. I don't care how great the program at any school is ; if it doesn't help people go to heaven , why spend your life doing it?" If you asked the multitudes of students who learned from Uncle Bud in his classes and especially in chorus, they would testify to the fact that he did indeed help them in their desire to live the kind of life that would end in heaven. - Sheila Underwood Enunciation? During A Cappella practice, Dr. Kenneth Davis, Jr. , gets tongue-tied while giving some tips on breath support to his students. Davis retired after many years ofdirecting the A Cappella chorus. - photo by Michael Rodgers.