1987-1988 Yearbook

Where is it, Jack? Ms. Mary Shock, associate professor of social work and director of the social work program, consults her brother, Jack Shock, instructor of communication, on the location of information presented in a speech at Camp Tahkodah. - photo by Dr. Joseph Pryor. tudents dedicated to the field of Sociology/Social Work received an opportunity to expand their career interests as new areas of study within the department became reality. An emphasis on professional child care was added along with an emphasis in gerontology to the applied Sociology major. Before last fall began, the Sociology department sponsored a workshop on Psychodrama and two seminars which focused on current social work issues. Dr. Maribeth Downing served as an associate dean of students and as an assistant professor of sociology. She held her position for the past four years, and was with Harding since 1974. Ms. Kathy Howard was with Harding as an instructor of Sociology for two years. Ms. Louise Pace attended yet another workshop on eating disorders. She also attended the council on Social Work Education. Miss Mary Shock attended workshops on such relevant topics as eating disorders, social work education, and treatment of the emotionally disturbed child and adolescent. Ms. Shock later emerged as associate professor of Social Work and served as well as a member of the House of Delegates on the Council of Social Work Education. Mr. Terry Smith was an instructor of Social Work wi th Harding since 1985. Dr. Van Tate spent seven weeks of this summer in Africa and Europe in an effort to train church and community leaders to study successfully with American workers in the area of family and team relationships. Tate, who served as director of Mission World Care, published a special mission report entitled, "Reaching Out To A Lost World." Tate also attended the World Missions workshop at Columbia Christian College. Tate served as elder at Cloverdale Church of Christ. Dr. Bill Verkler organized and OCIOO Socializing Sociologist. Kathy Howard, instructor of sociology, converses between lectures at Camp Tahkodah. photo by Dr. Joseph Pryor. Sign by the "X." Dr. Maribeth Downing, Dean of Women, signs a young lady's late permission card. Students requesting to stay out more than one hour after curfew for concerts or shows in Litde Rock, were required to get special permission from the deans. - photo by Bill Tripp. chaired the section of students at the annual meeting of the Arkansas Sociological and Anthropological Association. Verkler attended a William Glassner workshop on Reality Therapy as well as a workshop involving the use of psychodrama in therapy. Verkler was involved in the family life center at College Church of Christ. Verkler worked also with his wife, Billie, in leading a community therapy group during the year. Verkler, Pace, and Shock served in counseling through the University's Counseling Center. - Karen Reynolds OCIO Maribeth Downing, Ph.D. - Assistant Professor Kathy Howard, M.S. - Instructor Louise Pace, M.S.S.W. - Assistant Professor Mary Shock, M.S.S.W. - Associate Professor & Director, Social Work Terry Smith, M.S.W. - Instructor Van Tate, Ph.D. - Professor Bill Verkler, Ph.D. - Professor & Chairman Sociology & Social l\ibrk1 0 9 Academic Departments 0