p hysical Science teachers are special people indeed. The faculty successfully met another year full of challenges. It would be a difficult task to teach physical science to a new group of freshmen each year, especially when the average student has little knowledge or interest in gravity, electricity, inertia or anything else of that sort. But these men do not give up easily and they keep on teaching, hoping to develop the students' knowledge and appreciation for the subject. Dr. Don England spent some time on the road travelling to different meetings to brush-up on his scientific knowledge. In February, he travelled to Houston, TX, for the Texas Association of Advisors for the Health Sciences which was held at the Baylor College of Medicine. He also attended the National Convention of the Alpha Chi honor society in Williamsburg, VA, since he served as a sponsor for Alpha Chi. He was the coordinator for the Science Advisory Council, as well as the CoonsFarrar Scholarship Fund. The position he held at Harding was distinguished professor of chemistry. Professor of Physics, Dr. James Mackey completed his tenth year in this position. He has been with Harding for twenty years. A paper was presented by Dr. Lambert Murray, associate professor of physics, entitled, ''Normal Mode Propagation in a Commercial Catfish Pond," at the Asoustical Society Meeting in Anaheim, CA, in December. He was with Harding for his sixth year, his fifth in his position. Dr. Joseph Pryor served Harding in an interesting way, he taught at HUF (Harding University in Florence) during the fall semester. Back on campus, he took part in the national convention of Alpha Chi honor society at Williamsburg, VA. Senior David Dearin from Ames, IA, worked closely with Dr. Pryor in his last year of sponsoring the yearbook. Dearin said of him, "Dr. Joe is one of the most loving and caring men that I know. He is genuinely interested in everyone he meets. He truly makes a Christian effort to love and accept his students in the way God made them." And furthermore ..• Dr. Don England, distinguished professor ofchemistry, serves ~s a c~apter sponsor for Alpha Chi. national honor society Here he helps with the mductJ.on ceremony._ If students earned 80-100 hours the required grade point average to be m Alpha Ch1 was 3. 70. - photo by Bill Tripp. Donald England, Ph.D. - Distinguished Professor of Chemistry Mr. Clifford Sharp was an associate professor of physical science. He coached for the National Multi-Events Team and officiated at the Pan Am Games in August. He was here only for the fall semester. Dr. Carroll Smith was a professor of chemistry and has been with the university since 1968. In 1979 he was appointed to his present position. Dr. William Williams was the curator of the Wyndam Miles Rare Science Library. He continued cataloging and organizing the collection of information given to the university last year. The older volumes are now stored in glass cases in the campus library. With Dr. Wyndam Miles, he contracted with the Department of Agriculture National Library at Washington, D.C., to publish an annotated bibliography of American Agricultural Chemistry Imprints which were published before 1870. He was a professor of chemistry, and chairman of the department. The Writing Publication Workshop on Harding's campus had a seat filled by Dr. Edmond Wilson, professor of chemistry. He also attended the Microcomputers Workshop, which was hosted on Harding's campus as well. Dr. Wilson was the sponsor of "Friends," the big brothers-big sisters program on campus, through the College Church of Christ. He judged at a science fair at the Central Arkansas Christian Academy. The faculty members in the physical science department found ways to make interesting a lot of the required courses. For instance, in earth science classes a special study was made of Halley's Comet because of its return. Students could observe the actual phenomenon, which was only possible every 76 years. In some classes students were offered extra credit for this observance. - Laura Ruggles and Janna Wharton sical Scie nce James Mackey, Ph.D. - Professor of Physics Lambert Murray, Ph.D. - Associate Professor of Physics Joseph Pryor, Ph.D. - Professor of Physical Science Clifford Sharp, M.S.T. - Assistant Professor of Physical Science Carroll Smith, Ph.D. - Professor of Chemistry William Williams, Ph.D. - Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Department of Physical Science Edmond Wilson, Jr., Ph.D. - Professor of Chemistry Phvsical Science 1 0 7 Academi~ Departments 0