1987-1988 Yearbook

'\foreign Language "~s-.-....-.........--_............,.. _____,....,_.._,,..__________ 1 Ava Conley, M.A. - Assistant Professor Dorothy Wright, Dr. de l'Universite - Professor Winfred Wright, Dr. de l'Universite - Professor & Chairman Enunciate! Ms. Ava Conley, assistant professor of foreign language, instructs one ofher Spanish classes. She has been on Harding 's faculty since 1973, and has taught Spanish since 1980. - photo by Bill Tripp. 1 ooForeign Language 0 Academic Departments Say "Cheese'." Dr. Dorothy "W_right ~lances up from her desk ~o offer a friendly smile to a passer-by. Dr. Wright taught upperlevel French literature courses, mcludmg 20th Century Masterpieces, and was highly complimented on her work by her students. She was married to the department chairman of foreign languages, Dr. Winfred Wright. - photo by Bill Tripp. p reparing people to teach foreign languages, to go overseas for mission work, or to simply expand their horizons was the job of the Foreign Language Department. The well-qualified faculty of this small, but immensely important , department were some very special people as teachers and friends. Their talents, through their students, reached people they never met. Mrs. Ava Conley, associate professor of Spanish , proved herself time and again with her many accomplishernnts. Jointly with Bill Long and Bob Brown, she published the first six chapters of a book called Equipping the Saints. She also spoke on world missions at a workshop in Portland , OR, in October, showing the emphasis of the fruits of her labor. She attended the Pan American Lectures in Mexico City in November, and the annual Venezuelan Mission Forum in Glasgow, KY, in July. She served as the stateside secretary for the Venezuelan Mission Team, and spent her Spring Break training the secretary from Caracas, Venezuela , to use the computer. She also led a summer campaign to Venezuela. Dr. Dorothy Wright took some extra time while at HUF (Harding University at Florence), to take a semester of Italian. She served Harding and its students as a professor of French. Chairman of the Foreign Languages Department, Dr. Winfred Wright , spent two months in intensive study of the Italian language while in Florence, Italy. This study was completed at the Dante Alighieri Center for Italian Linguistics. Rumors said he was fluent in approximately four languages. The enrollment in beginning French courses this year was markedly higher than in recent years. Drs. Wright studied together and received their degrees (both Drs. de l'Universite) from the SouthernCentral France city of Toulouse. In May Dr. Wright went to Nantes, France to help last year's visiting missionary, James "Buddy" Jones, in hosting a Christian Youth Camp on campaign. Using their talents in missionminded ways, the Foreign Language faculty truly glorified God with the gifts He gave them. - Christy Cox Where did it go? Dr. Winfred Wright, professor of foreign language and chairman of the department, gives his desk a quick once-over checking for his class notes. Dr. Wright received his French degree in Toulouse, France. - photo by BiJJ Tripp.