1987-1988 Yearbook

Transitions in administration. Dr. Clifton L. Ganus, Jr. resigns the responsibilities of the presidency to an eager Dr. David B. Burks. After 22 years ofguiding Harding, Dr. Ganus is eager to take it easy. - photo by Jack Davis. The wheels are turning. The new president and the new director ofeducational services speculate on the idea of serving the students to the best of their ability. Serving was the new emphasis for the year. - photo by Dr. Joseph Pryor. issues of life that confront Christians. Dr. Burks also mentioned a teacher at FSU who " had a tremendous influence on me. He challenged me constantly on my views on Christian education , and he made me reexamine my beliefs. I took it as a challenge to convince him." From this teacher, Dr. Burks also gained the goal of spending an hour every day reading. He made that a part of his life and stressed that " you need it to get along in the world today." As a result of his experience in Tallahassee, Dr. Burks came back to Harding with a renewed sense of mission in Christian education. He initiated a Bible class , " Facing the Issues," which continued for over a decade. He introduced a business ethics class into the curriculum and in 1978 published The Christian Alternative for Business. Even his approach to teaching classes such as business policy changed , as Dr. Burks realized that more important than a complicated , mathematical model was an understanding of the ideas and ethics behind the strategies of the business world. Dr. Burks continued to become involved in the issues of life, conducting seminars on ethics for churches and business leaders , Church Leadership Development Seminars, and Strategic Management Computer Simulation Seminars. In 1974 he was appointed Dean of the School of Business , and served in that capacity along with serving as Director of American Studies Program from 1982 on. Because of his involvement in the past and his dedication to the improvement of Christian education, Dr. Burks was chosen by a special search committee as the fourth president of Harding University. He assumed his duties on May 10, when former President Ganus handed the gavel at graduation ceremonies. And so tradition and mission came together to begin a new future for Harding arid for President Burks. "As a new student, I am deeply impressed with Dr. Burks. He has leadership qualities that few possess." - Johnny Dunigan "Dr. Burks is a very personable man with a genuine interest in each and every student. He doesn't lord over us; he lives with us." - Christy Cox "This year I think there have been a lot of positive changes that have resulted in a better at- "Dr. Burks? He's a great guy!" titude on campus." - John D. Folding - Amy Thompson President "If the rules are going to be there, they ought to be enforced, I think Dr. Burks is doing a good job with that." - Philip Fletcher "I think it's really neat that he still takes time to teach my simulations class. It shows he wants to be personally involved with students, even with his busy schedule.'' - Buffy Manning "I've already seen a lot of positive changes since Dr. Burks assumed office." - Lisa Burley President 167 Dr. David B. Bwks