1987-1988 Yearbook

Playing with exactness. To help celebrate the Inauguration of David B. Burks, the Memphis Symphony Chamber Orchestra performed on Tuesday night. Besides the students, faculty and staff, the community was invited to enjoy the concert with no admission fee. - photo by Bill Tripp. Filling the Benson. President Emeritus George S. Benson covers his plate with food at the postinauguration luncheon. The luncheon was held at the Clifton L. Ganus athletic center. - photo by Ken Bissell. president oavid B. Burks Personal wife: Leah Gentry from Alhambra, llllnola children: Bryan, Stephen, & Mar1Nh Education Currently President; Director of American Studlea; ProfHaor of BualneH; BualnH• Conaultant Ph.D., Admlnl1tratlon of Higher Education, Florida State, 1974 MBA, Accounting, Th• University of Texa1, Au1tln, 1966 BA, Accounting and Bu1lnH1, Harding College, 1965 CPA, Texa1 State Board of Public Accountancy, 1974 Inauguration 1g Student Life