1987-1988 Yearbook

Come to papa. Anxiously awaiting the ball, James Cooper, a senior form Melbourne, AR, gets in a ready position while playing shortstop. Practices also were a great challenge to the Bison baseball team consisting of long hours and difficult drills. . - photo by Leslie Downs. "· -, . . ,, .. .. .. ~ ..., ,.,.~·· "" ... #,,. .,,.,, . Where did it go? Tom Hull, a senior from Fort Recovery, OH, patiendy awaits the pitched ball, as it unknowingly skids past his feet. Hull , in his first collegiate baseball bame, was the starting catcher for the Bisons. - photo by Ken Bissell. In His name. Before and after each game the Bisons took time out to thank God. The tam ended their season at 15-13. - photo by Leslie Downs. And here's the pitch. James Mayes, a senior from Searcy releases a fast ball during a game hoping for a strike. - photo by Leslie Downs. Athletics125 Baseball