1987-1988 Yearbook

Social work. Sheri Wells, sophomore from San Antonio, TX, takes time out from her busy Social Work curriculum to visit in the Student Center. The Social Work Club gave those majoring in Social Work, an opportunity to get hands-on experience in Social Work before they graduated. They were actively involved in Social Work circles in and around the Searcy area. - photo by Bill Tripp. SociologyClub Sociology Club officers. Linton, Pettit, Verkler - sponsor. - photo by Bill Tripp. Social Workers Social Work Club. Front row: Anderson, Pace - sponsor, Gray, Gregg, Cigrang, McShane, Bonner, Taschner, Wilkins, Elchuck, Shock - sponsor. Second row: Wells, Fleak, Allen, Williams, Alexander, McKinney, Kinser, Smith , Woolard , Carr, Caskey, Gregory. Back row: Henry, Rabon, Logan, Crowley, Stirrups, Nickerson , Schultz, Young, Tyson , Ayob. - photo by Bill Tripp. each month, Harding University honored a "Resident of the Month" from Leisure Lodge, Oakdale and Byrd Haven Nursing Homes, all located in the Searcy area. This touching monthly chapel program was one of the many ways the Social Work Club reached out to the community. The students volunteered as big brothers and big sisters and as juvenile probation officers for White County. They also involved themselves with the Sunshine School. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and Early Intervention Program (EIP) were two other organizations that the Social Work Club helped to keep themselves busy. A new endeavor this year was cooperating with the Junior League in presenting rape prevention programs to area schools. In addition to serving the community, the Social Work Club took advantage of beneficial educational opportunities. They visited the Rivendell and Bridgeway Residential Treatment Centers. The club also toured state jail facilities. They also could be found in attendance at nearby professional conferences. Approximately two-thirds of the social work majors were actively involved with the club. This allowed for a support network among the students in spiritual , emotional , and acadmeic areas. They began the fall semester with a departmental retreat , in order to break down barriers and stimulate interest. The many co-curricular activities which were available to club members encouraged growth and presented constant challenges. The social activities, such as the annual Christmas party, further enhanced academic instruction by facilitating the formation of close bonds within the club. Treasurer Rachel Gregg added , "The Social Work Club offers an opportunity to become better acquainted with ourselves and others. The insight and experience we gain is invaluable to our major." In November, the Sociology Club attended the Mid-South Sociological Association annual convention in Memphis, as well as the Psycho-drama and Group Psychotherapy convention and workshop in Dallas, TX. The club is very academically oriented, hwoever, they are also trying to serve the Harding community. In March a seminar for the entire school was held to provide information to students majoring in Liberal Arts regarding employment possibilities and strategies. Rod Linton, Sr. was asked to present his paper, "Role Theory and Its Application in Marital Therapy," at the Undergraduate Sociological Symposium at Hendrix College. Not all of the members are sociology majors. As Linton stresses, sociological theory plays a major role in many different fields. The Sociology Club and its members are interested in social nature and interaction. - Rae Anne Carr 1 Sociology Club Social Workers 17