1986-1987 Yearbook

Reflections I n 1924, two junior colleges merged and became Harding College. Over the past 63 years only three men have filled the position of president . ]. N. Armstrong served as the school's first president and remained so from 1924 to 1936. He was succeeded by George Benson who served from 1936 to 1965. And this year's retiring president, Clifton L. Ganus, Jr., has filled this position since 1965. Although the campus was a bit different, Dr. Ganus noted that "the routine was pretty much the same, except rules and regulations were quite different:' Students were forbidden to ride in cars with members of the opposite sex without permission. Since there were only about two students on campus who owned cars, this did not pose much of a problem. The dress code was strictly enforced. Men were to be clean shaven and were allowed to wear jeans, though most wore slacks. Ladies were required to wear dresses except during sporting activities. On Sundays, Ms. Cathcart, Pattie Cobb dorm mother, would stand at the doors and check to make sure the girls were wearing hose because, "they couldn't wear bobby-socks to church:' Social activity was rigorous as was academic activity. Classes were held Tuesdays through Saturdays. On student/teacher relations, Ganus commented, "We have the same general spirit and attitude today that we did back then . Teachers are interested and are here to help. Beside social and academic emphasis, there was also a strong emphasis on intramural sports, both male and female . A point system was set up for determining the top athletes upon which those athletes accumulating the highest points at the end of the year received jackets. Points were given for being on the winning team or for wining individual sports events such as badminton, tennis, or horseshoes. Since students had to turn in at dark, dorm life became interesting. Although the students had a lot of fun, there were also rules which were strictly enforced. One such rule was that of the "lights out" policy. At the designated time the girls' windows were checked from outside the dorms. Lights on at this time were noted and a ten-cent fine was collected from the offender. Regardless of society's e.verchanging state, Dr. Ganus rema~ne~ positive about his hopes for Hardmg s future: "I hope and pray that the next administration is the best that we've ever had in Harding's history and that we, students and faculty alike, continue to grow as Jesus did: in wisdom, in stature, and in favor with God and men:'() - Candi Skipworth Angel ia Janee Evans - Nashville, T . Interior design. Shantih, ICC Representative, Secretary; AHEA; Campus Mini stry. . . . Lee Anne Exum - Searcy, AR. Elementary educa tion. Chi Alpha Rho, Pres iden t, V1ce-pres1d ent , Secretary; Campus Ministry; Commonwealth Si ngers; Dean's Lis t; Friends ; HUF: JOY; Kappa Delta Pi; St udent Impact , coordi nator, campus leader. . . . Cheryl Laraine Finley - Sea rcy, AR. Eleme ntary educa tion. ju Go ju, Treasurer, Spm t Director; Campaigns - Italy; Chee rl eader; Dea n's Lis t; lnt ramurals; Pi Ka ppa Delta; SNEA; TECH. David Keith Finley - Lowe ll , OH. Ma rket ing . Kimberl y Dawn Fischer - Sabetha, KS. Spa ni sh & elementary edu ca tion. Alph a Chi ; Campaigns - Argent ina/Venezuela; Dean's Lis t; Kappa De lta Pi, Outreach; Spanish Club. Amy Carol fi sher - Nashvi ll e, TN. Public relations. S igm~ Ph i Mu, ICC re_p resenta t ive, Devob onal _ Director, His tor ian; Coll ege Republica ns; KHCA staff; Petit Jean s taff, sect ion ed itor, PRSSA, SA com mittee, specia l affairs; Student Impact , energy group leade r; TV-12._ Patricia Ursula Fisher - Heidelberg, West Germany. Phys ica l Edu ca t10n . Allen Lee Fitzgerald - Ced ar Ra pids, IA. Ma rketing & ma nageme nt . . , . Andrea Ann Flatt - Clawson, Ml. Fashion merchand isi ng. Shantth; Alpha Chi; AHEA; Dea n s List. Terry Grant Fletcher - W. Memph is, AR . Biochemi stry. Laura Beth Ford - Crawfordville, FL. Ma nagement. American Studies; Dea n's List; HUF; SAM . Billy Bronson Fore - Houston, TX . Accou nti ng. TNT; America n St udies ; Campus Mini stry; P1Ga mma Psi ; Phi Beta Lambda; V. 1.5.A. Kenneth Wayne Forte - Sweet Home, AR. Radi o-telev is ion . David Harrison Foster - Pangbu rn , AR. Biology. Lisa Renee Foster - Hopk insvi ll e, KY. Nursing. Shades of Seniors 95