1986-1987 Yearbook

"One of the most advantageous things about attending Harding University is that no matter what a person's interests, he or she is bound to find people to share his concerns with. This coupled with the fact that students are very tolerant of those who are different from themselves, helps make Harding a great place to make friends.'' - Foster Lee Taking time for friends. Doni Natasi, a freshman from Madison, Tn., and Kim Kilpatrick, a sophomore from Springdale, Ark., take time from busy schedules to catch up on each other's lives. - photo by ferry Traughber. -r l" ~s students began the past year confronted rr ::h various opportunities. As freshmen we anticipated the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. As sophomores we returned anxious to settle once again into a familiar niche. As juniors we began classes in our majors putting us on the road to accomplishing our career goals. As seniors we began to prepare ourselves for the "real" world with excitement - but also with sadness. We remembered the many people who were with us and saw these changes take place. These were the shades of faces that witnessed the school's changes and were an intricate part of our own shades of change. - Bobby Knight Students editor Shades of Shades of Faces 87