1986-1987 Yearbook

Winning soccer games meant more than mastering control over the skills of the game, it meant overpowering the opponent. MASTERING CONTROL heer determina- S tion took control the Searcy Steel over th y team as e soccer 1 gue up the ea tore . pressive 'th an rm f w1 d Because o 9-1 recor · b h . single defeat Y t err ill Sear- UA-Fayettev e, Steel had to share cy tli ht of league the spo. g h' with h mp1ons ip d c a "We playe them. . st UA-Faygoodillaeg a~t I felt we ettev , Id have won. shou tro g They do have a s n defense and p~aba~ different type 0 control. While ~he Ball l ·ned up meeting teams are z d parti- . ponents an t~ezr .op in the coin to~s, czpatzng · a 7 ·umor S muel Nwanen, . . a L os Nzgerza, fromm a~ ·~ggling the warms up G~e Taylor, a soccer ball. g B tlesf.t.om ar sophomore ,,. d Gerry . OK an vzlle, , h more from Smith, a sop ~N watch Bloomington, ' . the com· the referee toss b Jerry photo Y Traughber. but I still think we are I wish we better. la -off could have a p y d ame under goo g ther conditions to wea . who the deterrmne . . II champion is, tn~e Lawrence said Underwood. Even thoughdSe7p I was ma e Ste~ of Harding entirely .t had no student~, I . th the connections w1 la - University. Each p y .d twenty dollars er pai er registration to cov d the coach, fees an h tt coachMike Bure e ' ed on a purely volunbasis. Gerry tary 'd "It is unSmith sa1 , d' g f . that Har m au rt our doesn'.t SUJ?~O They team financ1 Y· . d n't help us mainly o all the other because nferhools in our co sc d 't have a ence on d · team and the a ~t- . feels 1 istrahon 11 or should be a none:' . Ahead. With A Kick or e Woog, great control l g. D F . . mMexzco · ., a7un.wr ~~bbles down field Mexzco, against . the game dunng . to score a Hendrix tryzn~ his skill in g oal. Because o, d the se- w og score soccer, . ~ t amount of cond hzg es hooals on the team. - p g b John Corpus. to y Smith led the team f scored in terms o 1 Jorge Woog goa s. d but came in secon. b Smith topped him y . ten goals. scormg d ''My best goal I scored hen we playe was w db Hendrix. I ~core ~ . a divmg head domg 18 yards out. er fr?m this same Durmg d'd a hat ame I also I g . k by scoring three tnc ,, he goals in a row, said. . took Determination trol as the offense cond defense coman h t pro- b . ed toget er 0 m . · sea- duce a wmmng k d "We all wor e son. team ther as a togde that helped us an nf rence 'th our co e :ord. Soccer is s~rt that you can not p y If. ou must byyourse , Y your teamrely on d that is mates an d. d this what we I 1 II said Samue year, O Nwaneri. · b use it in- "Ilike soccer eca. . g . . g JUmpzn , valves 7oggznther athletic and many 0 1 "k it beabilities. I also z e ind cause I must use my m while I play. . - Samuel Nwanen Soccer . : : .. :- ··. .. ·::: .·:·.:: ·:·:::::: :::::-:.:.:/·>: -: ·.<<.-: : ·. ·. . ·. ·. ·-: :. ·. ·.· ·:·.· ·.·.· . . 75