Shades of Change C hanges were inevitable at Harding during the 1986-87 school year. The changes were. not of the same intensity, but rather gradual, from the slightest shade to the deepest shade. Faces and names changed as an influx of freshmen hit Harding campus. To help new students adapt to the Harding lifestyle, Student Impact was implemented for the first time. The campus took on a new look with the many faces as each season folded into another. We patiently dealt with the newness of our cogeneration plant as our first few weeks were filled with many power shortages. Our shades of change intensified as President Clifton Ganus Jr. reigned for his last school year. We prepared the road for Dr. David Burks to take over the realm. Academically the shades of change deepened as we each pursued a higher degree of education. Each department strengthened their curriculum to meet the competitive needs in their respective fields. Many faculty members pursued a higher education and received their doctorates. Our athletic programs kept pace with the continual change of new members. Our Bison spirit was strengthened as we supported our individual teams. Our teams ranked high and made themselves known in the AIC. Individually we all dealt with the daily changes of our lives, whether it was adjusting to college life or adjusting to the life waiting for us after graduation. Although we were each presented with different shades of change, we faced 1987 with confiden~e and th~strength of God's unchanging hand. w - Denise Johnston Editor-in-chief A swingin' hop. Senior Rich Weaver of Altus, OK, puts all he's got into his batting as he hops into the air. Catcher Kevin Nutt, a senior from Lilburn, GA, and umpire Jim Martin, a senior from Vincennes, IN, look on as the softball sails to the outfield. Club softball was a highlighted social event in both the spring and fall. - photo by Jerry Traughber. 2 Shades of Change Aloha! It's time to " Go Hawaiian"· with the Student Association Hawaiian-night at the movies. Senior David Wyatt from Juneau, AK and sophomore June Johnson from Bay City, MI, join in the festivities decked in Hawaiian attire. - photo by Jerry Traughber.