1986-1987 Yearbook

A time to search and a time to give up. The Bible symbolizes the search that we, as Christians, should go through when a change that causes us problems springs into our lives. S01:netimes it ~s very easy for us to give up, and sometimes we will. We should realize, however, that to be like Jesus, we should not let those changes get us down, but to search the scriptures for a way to deal with those changes. - photo by Jerry Traughber. There is a time for everything. All of the items together symbolize the complexity ofour lives. Our lives are a complicated mesh of living, loving, hating, searching, giving up, hoarding, giving and finally, dying. To live a life that a Christian should, we should use Jesus as our example. We should try to center on the positive aspects ofour lives. We should realize, however, that as human beings, we will never be perfect, but we must strive to be like Jesus. - photo by Jerry Traughber. A time to be born and a time to die. The candles symbolize the life and death of all. When the candles were lit, life began for the flame. We should realize, however, that the candle will not burn forever. A draft may come along and blow the fire out or the candle may simply run out of wax. It is the same with our lives. We need to know that our lives could end at any time, so we should live them to the fullest. - photo by Jerry Traughber. Spiritual Life 39