1986-1987 Yearbook

Campaigns... I ,. ____________________________________________ ..... Campaigners lead many souls to Christ hat began as International Campaigns became an outreach to only a few countrieS'. Due to European terrorism and the Chernobyl nuclear incident, Harding was able to send mission teams only to Australia, Africa and Venezuela. Under the direction of Jim Reppart, a resident missionary in Nairobi, Kenya, a group of five Harding students entered this area of Africa to do follow up work of an earlier mission effort. Throughout the neighborhoods, the group participated in "rattling gates;' the Nairobi equivalent of door knocking. As a result of their work twelve were baptized and the church grew to the point where it became necessary to knock out a classroom wall to utilize space. Australia was the main focus of outreach during the summer. Bobby Coker headed a team which worked in the state of Queensland. Each campaign group used the Open Bible Study method developed by Ivan Stewart. Overall, Coker's group set up 108 studies, had two baptisms while there, and several since they left. The campaigners also established a church in Murgon. Richard King also led a group into Queensland which worked in Holland Park and Wynnum of the Brisbane area and in Toowoomba . Doorknocking and a meeting led by Ted Paul, a preacher from Sydney were the main channels for reaching lost souls. Ed Sanders led the final mission team into Sydney where they worked in the suburbs of Blacktown and Warringah. The campaigners letterboxed in one area distributing the first lesson of the Bible correspondence and added sixty plus corespndence students. Puppetry was a popular ministry among the children. However, doorknocking was still the major outreach effort. The major emphasis of Venezuelan Campaign was placed upon Bible studies, all of which were conducted in Spanish. The group worked in San Cristobal of the Andes as a follow up to the efforts of the Harding students of 1985; eighteen members were added to the San Cristobal congregation. In Merida, they established a church from zero contacts. Forty-three people had been converted and about 200 new students were enrolled in Bible correspondence courses. Many lost souls were reached during the summer because of a campaign. Through their endeavors, the campaigners received many blessings as well . 'l\ustralian Campaigns was the greatest opportunity that I have ever taken advantage of. I was able to learn about culture, people, Christianity, the Bible and myself. Most of all I grew more as a Christian in six weeks than I had in twenty-on~.·.·.'· years; ' said Michael Savage~ - Bobby Knight ~--------------------------------------------------------1 36 Campaigns Another added to the Kingdom. Senior ferry Traughber from Irving, Texas, baptizes Katerine Zappia, a resident of Townsville, Australia, in a fellow Christian's pool. Since her baptism, 'Zappia has become one of the most active church members in Townsville assisting in the Bible studies the group from Harding left behind. - photo by Karen Roseberry.