Keeping the stride. Jay Barber, a sophomore from Balk Knob anticipates the handing of the baton from sophomore Luke Shows from Augusta, GA. Kappa Tau - photo by Jerry Traughber. Kappa Tau. Front row: Robinson, Buce, Moody, Duwe. Second row: Mobley, D. Martin, Massey, Reppord, T. White, Gizaw, K. Hightower, Cheyne, R. Butler, Buchanan, Herrod, D. Martin, Biggs, Parrett. Third row: R. Hawkins, Cranford, G. White, Sloan, B. Brown, T. Jones, Watson, Berberian, Thomas, M. Brown, Van Buskirk, Swing, Grieb, T. Carter, B. Davidson, Bay, I. Gizaw. Fourth row: Saleh, Kerby, Wiley, D. Frazier, Rodges, Lynn, Crain, Shows, Venable, Edmuson, /.Raley, D. Preston, Procter, /. Finley. Back row: McDonald, Perry, Burch, Helpenstill, C. ]ones, C. Williams, Perry, Redding, Necessary, Windel, Gist, D. White, Vanderpool, Benedict, Muznicks, R. Frazier, Shipp, Creel, Falwell, Owens. - photo by Bill Tripp. Kappa Tau Kappa Tau endured some growing pains last year, but this year the black is back and even stronger;' said Steve Parrett, a junior and president of Kappa Tau Omega men's social club. "I think one of the reasons for our success this year is that we have become so diversified in our membership that everyone really feels like they fit in somewhere:' The Kappa Tau men were stronger than ever with 37 new members added to their ranks at pledge week. The club was second largest on campus yet played middle club athletics, capturing championships in most sports in at least two to three divisions. At times the club played in the large club division because of the number of teams in each sport yet proved its strength unrivaled in many competitions, including "P\.' team championship in football. In the fall the men sponsored a spookhouse, in cooperation with local Jaycees, entertaining hundreds of students and local children on Halloween with their array of haunting attire and frightening antics. They also planned a service project for the spring. The club displayed its laid-back style in the form of a "mellow-out" party. They also participated in Spring Sing '86, placing third overall in their show ''The Power of Plaque" which they performed with Kirei, Omega Phi, and Tri Sigs. Their banquet in the spring capsuled the year on a forte. The men ended the year with fall devotionals, a hayride, and intramural volleyball. Each member felt a sense of unity which carried into the summer and brought them together the following year as unified as when they departed, 'Everyone is individual and different and for Kappa Tau, that is the norm," Parrett said. <]) Kappa Tau 259