1986-1987 Yearbook

Echad E chad means unity in Hebrew, and the men and women who were members of the club strived to accomplish the true meaning of the word. The club was small, but served the community in a large way. Three times a month on Saturdays the members served the elderly, invalids, and widows by doing jobs that would have been impossible for the people to do themselves. Dedication to the burn center in Judsonia has given Echad a true sense of accomplishment. The members visited the center regularly and helped out in any way they could. Clothes were found for the homeless, and some of their losses were replaced. The fall of 1986 was an exciting one for Echad, as they saw the beginning of their Work-a-than. The project allowed many students who were preparing for campaigns, to raise money for their own sponsorship through working with the elderly and the widows. A volleyball team was organized for the first time, and the members enjoyed competing in athletic activities, and hoped to continue their growth in sports. Echad was a new and growing club, perhaps best described by Lisa Newlin, a senior from Huntsville, Alabama, when she said, "Like Christianity, Echad is not just a club, it's a lifestyle:' <J> Brick wall chat. Sophomore Brad CCJWart from Jackson, TN, Senior Mike Sweitzer from NewcomerstCJWn, OH, Freshman Elaine Fletcher from Gilmer, TX, and Sophomore Cheryl Brigham from Smyrna, DE, enjoy the spring like weather in January. The brick wall in front of the Student Center was often used as a friendly gathering place especially on nice days . - photo by Jerry Traughber. 258 Echad Echad. Front row: L. Bynum, Dladla, Robinson, Johnson, Newlin, Richardson-sponsor, Brooks, Hoaver. Second row : Overstreet, Brigham, Fletcher, Keith, May, Jones, CCJWart, Linton. Back row: Pace, Dotson, T. Bynum, Gilpin, Garrison, Sweitzer, Landis, Ralston, R. Linton. - photo by Jerry Traughber.