R eaching out through service, the hands of Christ of Chi Lambda Chi touched others' hearts through their continued support of Morrilton's Children's Home. "Because of the size of Chi Lambda, I feel that we have a special closeness between members that a larger club can't have," commented Cheryl Carmical. Being the oldest women's club on campus it was no surprise that among the many spring activities they celebrated the big Spring Banquet in style at the infamous Excelsior Hotel in Little Rock. Not Chi Lam1'da Clii to mention the way the "Swinging Singles" strutted their stuff with Sigma Tau Sigma and Kappa Delta Kappa in Spring Sing. Turning into fall they followed tradition and baked their dates an apple pie formal invitation to their country supper and hayride. Tea anyone? At least that's what the alumni heard at the annual Homecoming tea this fall. Well, the year wouldn't have been complete without the festive Christmas party and this years was hosted by the sponsor in a rustic cabin in Pangburn. <illJ> Chi Lambda Chi. Front row: Lnrenz, McShane, Bivens, Taylor, Cannical. Second row: Bailey, Lnrenz, Hunnicutt, Jacobs, Bever, Weatherington, Cotter. Third row: Baughn, Sigler, Giesler, Whitrock, McSpadden, Seigrist. Back row: Alexander, Younger, Gibson, Slayton - sponsor, Eckman. - photo by Jerry Traughber. Pledging Pose. Crystal Younger, a junior from Chester, PA ., thoughtfully reflects on the past weeks ' events during silly day. - photo by Jerry Traughber. Chi Lambda Chi 257