1986-1987 Yearbook

Chi Alpha Rho I n a word, Chi Alpha Rho was a "service" club. the ladies of Chi Alpha Rho sponsored a fundraising drive for March of Dimes in the Spring and knocked doors in the Searcy area. In the fall the members cleaned the homes and yards of local elderly people. The year began optimistically for the club when they took in 20 new members. They had a hayride to Carter's farm, outside of Searcy, and had a good turnout by the majority of the new and seasoned members. The club participated in Spring Sing with King's Men and OEGE with a baseball-oriented theme, "In the BigInning:' "Spring Sing was a terrific bonding expereince for Chi Alphq Rho;' said director Carol Landerfelt. ''We grew closer together and also developed a great relationship with the other clubs, King's Men and OEGE:' The ladies were involved in many intramural sport activities. Chi Alpha Rho won the small club basketballl title in the fall. When the year had expired the club held a banquet at The Little Rock Club. They showed a slide show and had live singing entertainment featuring club members in various routines, wrapping up the year with an enthusiastic finale. Chi Alpha Rho. Front row: Wendt, Gonguez, Pierce, K. Barnhart, Poynot, Collins. Second row: Cope - sponsor, Exum - sponsor, Lawrence - sponsor, Allen, Spence, Cigrang, Seal, R. Campbell, T. Lawrence, Price, Young, Bednosky, K. Campbell, Broussard, Exum, Pruitt, Smith, B. Lawrence, Ingrum . Third row: Helbig, Weldy, Yates, K. Barnhart, Justice, Blue, Anderson, Grady, Billingsley. Fourth row: McKee, Rector- sponsor, Miller, Leddy, Griffi n, Cooksley, Barker, Keeth , Thomas, Traisci, Miller, Wright, Hatrtemer, Moss, Valier, Winberry, James, Landerfelt. - photo by Jerry Traughber. 256 Ch i Alpha Rho Three strikes - you're out . Melanie Anderson, a junior from Center Ridge, Arkansas, and Ka ren Ingrum, a sophomore from Warren, Michigan perform their Spring Sing show " In the Big-Inning." Chi Alpha Rho performed with King's Men and OEGE. - photo by John Radcliffe.