with the Social Work Club. Held at the Downtown Church of Christ building, the retreat acquainted the students with different career possibilities in social services and served as a spring-board for plans and ideas for events in the upcoming year. One of these events was the annual convention of the Arkansas Sociological and Anthropological Association in Fayetteville. The convention showcased professionals in the field, sharing papers of research on various social subjects which they had written. "Being able to talk to and share ideas with the people who do the research and who change public policy in Arkansas helped me realize how important research is and that we can bring about changes for the better," said club president Rod Linton. April brought a Psychodrama Workshop to the campus. Conducted by Dr. Joe Hart, president of the Midsouth Psychodrama Association, the workshop helped train students in counseling techniques for human relations problems. Sociology Club sponsor, Dr. Bill Verkler, was greatly encouraged by the club's attitude and diligence: "We set out to educate the public on sociology and its different aspects and possibilities. I feel we made great progress ." <J> Sociology Club "I Love Health." Freshman Regan Glenn participates in health week by having his blood pressure checked. HSNA promoted health by checking students' blood sugar levels and blood pressure while gaining experience for themselves . - photo by Bill Tripp. Sociology Club. Kinser, Verkler - sponsor, Linton. - photo by Bill Tripp. Sociology Club 247