times at regionals and five times at national competitions which began in 1978. At the most recent national meet, held in Memphis, Tenn., team members submitted a presentation describing 68 projects and programs which made America great. The efforts of the studentstaffed Belden Center also received national recognition both in economic games and from the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, Pa. Since 1976, Dr. Diffine, the Economics Team and their projects have received 15 awards in the categories of private enterprise education, advertising, and public affairs, non-profit publication and platform address. "The overall quality of the teams (at regionals) was the strongest we've found," Diffine said. "Our major concern coming into the nationals was our past success. We felt to win we would have to win big, or a close tie would tip the balance toward the nearest competitor. One organization on campus sought higher goals for Christian service by working directly with teens and pre-teens. The Conquerors aimed to help young people in battling Satan's army and achieved this aim through statewide and out-of-state youth rallies, many lectureships and discussion groups. To be a member in Conquerors students were nominated by regular Conquerors and membership in the club was set at 10. Though not an "elitist" group, members and sponsors felt that productivity in reaching young people would only be achieved through a small group of committed students. Conquerors travelled to congregations where elders or youth ministers would give them a theme which they would present in a both instructing and stimulating their high school and junior high school audiences. Often such rallies would occupy an entire weekend and the men of the group would each speak on various topics. Often Conquerors would act out skits to drive their point more effectively. Discussion groups, "rap sessions;' often followed and Conquerors would talk candidly with young people on problems and pressures facing them. "Basically we just try to show young people a good Christian example; that don't have to be nerdy-type to be a Christian," said senior Carol Westjohn. "The Conquerors are really a wonderful group and do a good service to youth:'<&> VISA VISA. Front row: Pryor, K. McGuire, Stanley, Bargo, Park, Davis, Glenn, Lively. Second row: Lindsay, Barber, Finley, Hayes, Manning, Hanson, Heffington. Third row: Shipp, McDonough, Smelser, Maynard, Minchey, Byrd, Fore. Back row: Moore, Drinnen, K. McGuire, Willis, Wright - sponsor, Clarke, Lowe, Smith, Gist. - photo by Public Relations Office. Friends Friends. Front row: Westjohn, Tarr, Adams, Sinipiades, Smith, Mullins, Knight, Carter, P. Hawkins. Back row: Wilson - sponsor, Minchey, Reed, Billingsley, DeMatteis, R. Hawkins, Fulbright, Rose, Evans. - photo by Bill Tripp. No! Anything but that. Susan Miller, a freshman from Pasadena, TX and sophomore Mark Moore of Flint, MI, perfect one of their many skits performed by Conquerors. Conquerors, for their main objective, helped support Christian ideals in the youth groups in the various Churches of Christ throughout Arkansas. - photo by Jerry Traughber. Visa, Friends 235