Sigma Tau Delta. Front row: Organ - sponsor, Kaeding, Banks, Long - sponsor. Second row: Underwood, Nelson, Fletcher. Third row: Daniels, Seiderer, Cheatham, Landerfelt. Back row: Rankin, Martin . - photo by Bill Tripp. Sigma Theta Tau. Front row: Bayer, Fox, Slacer. Second row: Bradford, Huske, Work, Lambert. - photo by Jerry Traughber. 212 Shades of Honor T he Nu Lambda chapter which honored majors and minors in the political science field was Pi Sigma Alpha. It promoted scholarships and recognized certain students. Sigma Tau Delta was a nationwide English honor society which published a magazine, and offered scholarships to students. To become a member, a student Pi Sigma Alpha. Front row: Pridmore, Dr. Howard, Bell. Back row: Jones, Aquilar, Hinrichs. - photo by Jerry Traughber. must be an English major with a 3.0 overall GPA. One of Harding's more professionally focused societies was Sigma Theta Tau, the national honor society for nurses. Only nursing students with baccalaureate degrees were admitted into the society. Members included faculty, students and practicing nurses in the community.<)