1986-1987 Yearbook

"I feel the honors societies are a real notable achievement that recognizes the many goals of students.'' Dr. Neale Pryor An achieving glow. During the Alpha Chi induction, senior, Lenore Bastin, from Philadelphia, Pa., displays great concentration and honor at this noble achievement. - photo by Bill Tripp. TI leach new school year, some form of r r~~ange is brought about by the student body. For some students change meant, moving to a new dorm, getting a new roommate, changing majors, or just making new friends. Although the students on campus constantly changed there were some who were more confident with the change and shone brighter. In this section you will find students who had an intense hand in bringing about change at Harding. This section portrays the many shades of honors and achievements attained by Harding students. - Lisa Moore Honors editor Shades of nonor Shades of Honor 195