University Staff **Supportively speaking * * C onstructing and activating the co-generation plant for the production of both electricity for the University was the most significant change in staff responsibilities for 1986-87. After some initial problems were worked out, the plant functioned well with only a few brief lapses in power. Staff members gave strong support to Harding's goals for excellence in all aspects of life and gave valuable assistance to the faculty and administration . Many held academic degrees and turned down much higher salaries elsewhere because of their love for Harding. Students frequently went to a staff member for counsel and help with academic as well as personal problems. The staff was a very integral part of the Harding family. At the 1986 faculty-staff dinner, Eddie Campbell, associate dean of students, and Ann Wright, secretary in the development office, received the Outstanding Staff Awards for 1985-86. Each received a framed certificate and a check for $1,000. Twenty-eight of those receiving recognition pins at the dinner for periods of service from 10 to 40 years on .. five-year intervals were staff members.~ Addressing the crowd. During the faculty reunion at Camp Tahkodah held this summer, Dr. Jack Ryan gives a speech. Ryan was responsible in a vital staff position - Spring Sing Coordinator. - photo by Dr. Joseph Pryor. Ide! M. Ables - Relief Dorm Director Cecil J. Adams, BSD - Loa n Collection Officer Betty J. Albright - Secretary, School of Biblical Studies Claudette Alexander, MAT - Secretary, Music Department Carolyn H. Anderson, BBA - Secretary, School of Education Marcella K. Bailey - Secretary, School of Education Alison Baird - Receptionist, American Heritage Center Barbara Barnes, MAT - Director, Women's Intramural Sports Jerome Barnes, EdD - Director, Educational Media Center Patricia D. Barrett, BA - Assistant Director of Housing LaVerne Beach - Secretary, Home Economics Department Cecil M. Beck, MA - Director, Men's Intramural Sports Virgil M. Beckett, BA - Coordinator of Computer Services Belva J.. Bellcock - Bookkeeper, Library 190 University Staff