1986-1987 Yearbook

Pledge Week... Pledges humiliate themselves to belong hat a wild pledge attempting to join a W and wacky club. The club members were week! Fresh- not suppose to tell the pledges men were ad- to do things; however, the vised by members heavily advised the u pperclass- pledges take their vote into acmen during · count and definitely follow pledge week to let their hair their suggestions. down. "This is your excuse to The highlight of pledge be as crazy as you want to be week was, of course, Silly Day. and get away with it;' encour- The pledges went absolutely aged one senior to a freshman crazy! They were ready and friend. Amazingly enough, willing to do anything and the "thing to do;' if you everything they were pledged wanted to be "with it;' was to to do, hoping it would help brown-nose as many people them in their club endeavors. as possible within an extreme- Like hungry little wolves,they ly small amount of time. This kept coming back to their was carried out in various and pledge masters and mistresses sundry ways, such as: carry- for more. It became a mentaling an endless amount of trays ly draining experience for the up to the conveyor belt in the old club members whose creHeritage Cafeteria; washing ativity level was nil, and even filthy cars and trucks belong- for those who normally flowing to the pledge week ed with endless wit. By the superiors; and, being a caddy end of the day, the new for an afternoon game of golf. recruits were pledged to take ·These were only a few of the naps, showers, go study, or sly, manipulative techniques simply to just go away! The of the pledges. Stu?ent Cente~ and the This semester the clubs Hentage Cafetena were the were told to slacken up with central locations of the the demands placed on a somewhat interesting characters roaming the campus on Silly Day. By 4:00, however, these places were basically deserted. They were on to even more exciting and beneficial events, such as a joust on the front lawn, mudpit wrestling, or a beauty pageant involving the most hideous creatures to ever walk the face of this earth. Inductions were the icing on the cake, so to speak. There were some very meaningful, sentimental ceremonies held by the women's clubs to accept the new members into their respective clubs. The men basically buddied up. The pledges seemed to drop all their built up anxieties in a matter of moments when their tension was released at their acceptance into the clubs. At this time they realized how much pledge week had truly benefitted them. Their requirements for notorious pledge books were designed only to bring them closer to one another and familiarize them with the club members. - Cathy Spivey Born to choreograph. Titans pledges Kerry Jenkins, a freshman from Paragould, Arkansas, Scott Adair, a freshman from Phoenix, Arizona, David Richardson, a senior from Pontiac, Michigan, David McRoberts, a freshman from Sherwood, Arkansas, and David DePew, a freshman from Kettering, Ohio, all dance their way to the ground in front of the front wall. Most clubs had their pledges meet at early hours on the front wall on Silly Day. - photo by ferry Traughber. 14 Pledge Week