1986-1987 Yearbook

foreign Languages Ava M. Conley, MA - Associate Professor, Spanish Robert L. Helsten, MA - Professor, German James "Buddy" Jones, BA - Visiting Professor, French R. Donald Shackelford, ThD - Professor, Italian ¥ ¥ ¥ Strangely speaking * * * A daptability and flexibility characterized the teachers of modern foreign languages at Harding. At the same time, the outstanding record achieved by three recent graduates in doctoral study at three different prestigious graduate schools showed the quality of programs. Since each of the teachers had spent several years as a missionary to a country where English was not the official language, the department placed emphasis upon the spoken language as well as upon the grammar and literature. The department was greatly encouraged by the fact that enrollment in foreign languages for the fall semester showed an increase of 220% over the enrollment of the fall of 1985. This probably resulted from the resurgence of interest in the liberal arts as a viable education and the increased interest in mission work. Students also began pursuing a major in international studies. Through special gifts to the department, an Apple IIC computer and a printer were purchased for staff and student use. The department experiemented with ways to use the computer in instruction. Ava Conley served as co-leader of the student mission group to Venezuela and participated in the Venezuelan Emphasis Day at Louisiana State University. Dr. Winfred Wright made plans for the next French study/mission summer tour and Dr. Don Shackelford directed the university program in Florence, Italy. + Making a point. During a French Club party held at one of the New Married Student Apartments, Dr. Winfred Wright escapes the rain by enjoying a conversation with French students. Wright taught almost ~ery class in the French curriculum. - photo by ferry Traughber. 174 Foreign Langu11ges Dorothy S. Wright, Dr. de l'Universite - Professor, French Winfred O. Wright, Dr. de l'Univeriste - Professor, French, & Chairman