Till Death Do Us Part }l fter much consideration, Mark and I decided that after four years of dating, it was better to marry than to burn," mused Melody Benton, a married Harding student. Harding University is unique in that many students marry before completing their undergraduate work. Why not wait? How does it feel? Does it affect their grades? Is it right for me? A few ''married" students were willing to share their feelings and insights with the student body. It's hard to explain why we chose to marry now;' agreed Andy and Laura Rowan of Searcy. "We had dated for three years and became very close. We just felt that we were ready for a total committment to each other and we don't regret our decision:' "Getting married now was the best decision of my life;' said Joe Walker of Alabama. "But I have to admit, I wasn't prepared for the different treatment from many of my single friends:' His wife Laurie, of Searcy, agreed saying, "I don't believe the different treatment is intended. I think my single friends felt that we had less in common now and as a result they felt that there is a sort of gap between us." "My friends think I can't have fun anymore;' said Laura Rowan. Her husband Andy jokingly notes that his friends still bug him - married or not. If I were married my grades would be better. Right? Not necessarily, according to Mark Benton, "Sure, if your parents continue to support you, your grades will probably go up, but if you're going to work and support your family it takes away a lot of study time." If you're looking for advice in this delicate subject of marriage, you've looked in the right place. Finances will unfortunately play a major role in the success of a marriage according to Laurie Walker, "If you think man cannot live on bread alone then you should try living on the honeymoon alone - the flame subsides and the hunger pains and rent reappear:' "Marriage involves a lot of sacrifice;' said Andy and Laura Rowan. "Not only financially, but socially as well. If extracurricular activities are near the top of your list of prioriteis, we would suggest a great deal of soul-searching before making a committment to each other." "Marriage also means you'll have to sit on the married side at basketball games;' mused Laura. "Our spiritual life has grown tremendously and I have the friend I've always dreamed of," said Kimberlee Kirkman of Los Angeles. You know, she's absolutely right, except that she's the better friend - Kim is my wife. A Christian marriage has really been a blessing to us, and besides, it was getting pretty warm in front of Sears every night. <:) - Brett Kirkman Rings of love. Newlyweds Michael and Tammy Curtis, from Searcy, clasp hands in agesture of love. They exchanged rings in December. - photo by Bill Tripp. Paul Eugene Leonard - Searcy, AR . Mission & sociology. Campaigns - International; Dean's List; Outreach; Sociology Club;Timothy Club; Reaching Out Newsletter staff. Mark Eugene Lewallen - Bentonville, AR. Youth ministry. Transfer from Arkansas State-Jonesboro; Intramurals . Jonathan Charles Lewis - Little Rock, AR . Accounting. Sub-T 16, Athletic Director; American Studies; Campaigns - Northeast; Campus Ministry; Sigma Phi Mu beau; Dean's Lsit; Intramurals - All-Star; Intercollegiate Athletics, baseball ; Pi Gamma Psi. Lia Donna Linscott - Downey, CA . Psychology. GATA, Spring Sing Director, Athletic Director; Bison staff, columnist; Campaigns - Venezuela; Commonwealth Singers; lntramurals, All-Star; Petit Jean staff. Kevin Lynn Lloyd - Little Rock, AR . General business . Jay Paul Lockhart - Tyler, TX . Computer information systems. Chi Sigma Alpha; American Studie~; Band, historian , concert, marching, pep, stage, jazz; Kirei Na Ai beau; Intramurals; Orchestra; Petit Jean staff, photographer. Paul Allen Lockhart - Jasper, AL. Marketing. Chi Sigma Alpha; A Cappella; Belles and Beaux; Campaigns - International; Campus Ministry; Chamber Singers; Chorale, vice-president; College . Republicans; Dramatics; Friends; Intramurals; Marketing Club; Spring Sing Host 1986-87; Troubadors, VISA . John Dee Loe - DeKalb, TX . Accounting. Alpha Tau Epsilon; Alpha Chi ; American Studies; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta Lambda; Uplift Conselor. . . Timothy Wayne London - Grubbs, AR. Accounting. Transfer from Arkansas State University; Sub-T 16; Intercollegiate Athletics, baseball; Pi Gamma Psi . . . . Pamela Jean Lorenz - Springfield, MO. Biology. Chi Lmabda Chi, Chaplain, Secretary, President; Alpha Chi; Dean's List; lntramurals; May Fete attendant. Robert Ronald Losher - Troy, MI. Accounting. Transfer from Michigan Christian College; Chi Sigma Alpha , Treasurer; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta, secretary; Pi Gamma Psi . Terri L. Lowe - Watagua, TX . Social work . Zeta Rho, Activities Director; Campus Minsitry; freshman class secretary; TNT queen; National Association of Christians in Social Work; Social Work Club; Student Imapct; VISA. Mannie Lee Lowery - Little Rock, AR. Radio-television. John Kevin Madden - Little Rock, AR. International studies & French. Kappa Sigma Kappa; Alpha Chi; Barristers; Campaigns - France; Campus Ministry; Dena's Lsit; French Club; Young Democrats; UF; lntramurals; Student Impact . Alan G. Madera - Hanover, MD. Bible. Transfer from the Univeisty of Maryland; Chi Sigma Alpha; Alpha Chi ; American Studies; Campaigns - Venezuela; Dean's Lsit; Intramurals; Spanish Club; Student Impact, energy group leader; Timothy Club ; Searcy Soccer Club. Shades of Seniors 103