1986-1987 Yearbook

Frosties, Fries and Friends L et's play "Twenty Questions' : what was animal, mineral, and vegetable, bigger than a breadbox, and one of the hottest social spots for Harding students in Searcy? It wasn't the Rialto theater (affectionately nicknamed the "Rat-hole"), nor Shores Chapel, nor the Heritage snackroom. In the words of the song: "Everyone knows it's Wendy's:' Wendy's fast food restaurant enjoyed astounding popularity among Harding students, despite the abundance of fast food franchises that lent color to Race Street, the main Searcy drag. Andy's restaurant, affiliated with Wendy's and similar in menu, remained virtually deserted each night, while at Wendy's students packed in,and lines formed. Even McDonald's and Burger King, which boasted greater popularity nationwide, took a back seat to this unaccountable but undeniable student haunt. What caused Wendy's amazing popularity? McDonald's was cheaper, Burger Barn gave customers more fries, Andy's offered frozen yogurt, and Hardee's served roast beef burgers, yet students still flocked to Wendy's. Of course, despite the excellence of other establishments, the food at Wendy's drew crowds. Wendy's offered the stuffed baked potato, salad bar, multi-grain bun, and, of course, the inimitable Frosty milkshake, all of which were extremely popular with the Harding students. And for those on a tight budget, a large soft drink (with free refills) and free saltines made a meal. Another reason for Wendy's popularity lay in tradition. Wendy's established itself in Searcy before many of the other franchises did, and quickly became a way of life at Harding - a relief from cafeteria tedium. Most students were quickly initiated into the "Wendy's Escape:' Freshmen heard upperclassmen mouthing the familiar phrase: "Let's go to Wendy's;' and picked up the tradition themselves. The Wendy's tradition was self-perpetuating. Students went to sit and chat, to run into friends, and to see who was dating whom. The social benefits formed an even greater attraction than the food did, and Wendy's almost took on the atmosphere of a European cafe, with the patrons all knowing each other, and settling down for fun, food, and fellowship. Most colleges develop their local traditions and favorite spots - Wendy's was one of Harding's. It filled a need for a relaxing, off-campus hangout, a place to visit with friends and forget about homework. It became as much a part of Harding life as chapel and the student center, and stood as a symbol for the fun and friends - the "other side" of academic life at Harding. - Sherry Daniel All for one... Taking advantage of the $1 .99 specil at Wendy's. Shantih members Gina Combs, a junior from Lavonna, Michigan, and Lori Girdley, a junior from Ortonville, Michigan, share a single hamburger with Shantih beau Mark Story, a junior from Clinton, Arkansas. - photo by ferry Traughber. Thomas Wesley Hobbs - Joplin, MO. Genera l science. Mark Delber Holderbaum - Wi lard, MO. Physical education. Wesley William Holland - N. palm Beach, FL. Computer science. Deanna Louise Hollifield - Luray, VA. Print journa lism. Ka Re Ta, Vice-president, Sunshine Girl ; Alpha Epsi lo n Rho; Bison staff, reporter; freshman class vice-pres ident; College Republicans; Dean's List; Friends; PRSSA; Society fo r Collegia te Journalists; TV-12, reporter, writer; Honor Awa rd for Excellence in Television and Print Journalism, Who's Who. Edith Lafonda Holoway - West Plains, MO. Office sy tems. Transfer from Sou thwest Missour i State University; Zeta Rho; America n Studies; Campus Ministry; Dea n's List; Delta Mu Delta; Resident Ass itant; SAM. Marvin Lester Holmes - New Concord, OH . manageme nt. Transfer from Ohio Valley College; TNT, ICC representative; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Business Team; Campus Minsitry; Phi Delta beau; Dean's Lis t; Delta Mu Delta; Phi Beta Lambda; SAM. Holly Lyn Hooper - Pasadena, TX . Chemistry. Tri-Sigma Delta, Devotional Director, Secretary; Campaigns - Italia n; Dena's Lsit; HUF; SAM; SA senior women's representati ve; Chemistry Club. Bradley Duane Horton - Mabelvale, AR . Marketing. Susan Evon Horton - Bartlett, TN. Elemeentary education. Brad A. Hounsel - Shreveport, LA . Marketing. Jerry Glen Houston - Shreveport, LA . Bible. Lynn Howe - Dayton, OH. Child development. Malcolm Forrest Howell - Searcy, AR . Biochemi stry. Ramona Jan Howell - Beebe, AR. Accounting. Alpha Chi; Dean's List; Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi . Gladys Marie Hudson - Searcy, AR . Marketing. Transfe r from the Univesity of Arka nsas-Fayettev il e; Marketing Club; SAM. Shades of Seniors 99