1985-1986 Yearbook

Capturing the Title hi Sigma Alpha & Regina avemen in the front, let me hear you grunt. Uh!" For social clubs Chi Sigma Alpha and Regina, the highlight of the spring semester was their capturing the sweepstakes award in the 12th annual Spring Sing. With their show, "Our World is Caving In," the brother and sister clubs swep t the music, costume, and choreography judging categories and placed second in theme, -to win the Sweepstakes award after cutting short a 3-year winning streak the previous year. "Even if we hadn't won, it would've been a blast," said Jeff McGee, the show's director, "but winning made it bet ter." Chi Sigs also won in other areas, winning bowling, "D" and "E" team volleyball, and blood draw participation . The two clubs work well together because of the unity they share . "We have a real special spiritual bond," said Cheryl Rainey , president of Regina. "I think Chi Sigs and Regina foster diversi ty, but at the same time they are united." Other events in the spring included the club's annual banquets, devotionals, mass dates to campus movies, a Valentine costume party and a Chi Sig float trip down Spring River in n orthea st Chi Si~s. Front row : Gaither, Knapp , Doederline , Bible, Sandlin , Rainey ; second row : Solis , Mitchell , Kendrat , A bernathy , Powers, Madera , Williams , Price , Gentry , Lee , Benney ; third row: Chesney , Grimsley , Hobbs , Seay , Johrtson, Anderson , Ware , Yates , Doederline , Madden , Taylor ; fourth row: Thompson , Fagen , Fraley , Gentry , Gilreath, Griffith, Smith , Price , Wyatt , Rowland, Murray -sponsor, Bradford, Cloer; back row: Anderson, Tackett , Gaskin , Thompson , Talley , Tay lor, Ko lumba , McGee, Morris, Cox , Upton . - photo by John Radcliffe . Arkansas. Regina's fall semester began with an outing to Petit Jean State Park, which provided the ideal setting for the engagement of John Sullivan and Michelle Sutherland . "'It was exciting to watch John and Michelle make a memory on Petit Jean Mountain," said Jennifer Falkner .. Chi Sigs began the school year with a stag outing at Camp Tahkodah, giving the club the chance to review friendships and to develop club unity and the club's yearly goals. Pledging proved to be exciting for both clubs. Regina's Queen for a Day gave the princesses the occasion to make themselves as ugly as possible, while the climax of Chi Sig pledging was a night before the senior tribunals in an old cotton gin on Madden Brothers' Farms near Newport. The Madden Farm also hosted the Chi Sig hay ride . "My last year in the club it was great to have club activities on my family's farm, " said Chi Sig vice president Eddie Madden. "My dad and I had fun getting everything ready for what was one of the best hayrides I've ever been on ." Regina also held a hayride at Letona, followed soon by a Christmas party at the Colonial House Restaurant in Searcy. Throughout the school year the two clubs worked at the home of Mr. and Mrs . David Schoenburger as their service project. The Schoenburgers have a mentally and physically disabled son, Michael, and members of the clubs go out almo st daily during the week to help with household chores. Working with this continuous service project is considered by many of the club members to be a special experience. Said Suzette Huffaker, ''You can just tell how much Mrs. Schoenburger appreciates it. It humbles you, and it's a great experience." Jm Regina. Front row: Gaither, M cKinnon , Knapp , Pyne, Mitchell , Lemmon , Anthony , Rainey , Maxwell , Thompson , Smith , Madden; second row: Prvor - sponsor. Alexander - sponsor, Reeves, Dav is , Falkner, Lanier, Williams, Drennan , Th omas, Huffaker, Collin s, Owens, Bible, Reyn olds, Roberts, Schoen , Ellis, Tomlin son , Clark , Coon ; third row: M orris, Thompson , M cNally , Music, M cGee; back row: Lanier, Bills , Privett , Craft , Temtemio , Shannon , Blake . - photo by John Radcliffe. Chi Sigma Alpha & Regina 83