1985-1986 Yearbook

Tis the season. Freshman Cindy Delp is entertained ' by freshman Jeff Wingield during the festive Titan Chris~171as dinner: -photo ~y Johnny ~C_ouch. Titans. Front row: Grissom , Diles , Willard , Waites , Kelly , Winter; second row : Beard , Shipman, Clark , Barber, McPherson Fletcher· third row: Watson , Duncan , Scott , Teague, Bli;kenstaff, Sharp, Wingfield ; fourth row: Kirkman ,. Austin, Hall , Jernigan , Porter, Self, Horton , Small , Wood ; frft.h row: Pruitt , Flake , Wissinger , Bose , Dillard: sixth row: Addmgton , White , Wall , Howell , Jones ; back row: Murray , Arnold, Beavers , Sullivan , Simpson , Jernigan, Smith, Finley , Picker. photo by John Radcliffe . _________":r_ime to Get Down ~itans [IJ itans social club has enjoyed terrific success in all areas of the recent semesters. Titans continued to excel in sporting events, standing out especially in basketball and softball. Sports were not the only area Titans tasted success. For the first time in many years, Titans participated in Spring Sing. They performed with Shantih and Kappa Tau under the theme of generics. Their "Spring Sing Show" placed first runnerup overall in competition and first place in theme. Titans finished another fun and successful pledge week. They enjoyed their usual silly day by wearing the traditional toga's! Along with toga's of course came the well-known "Titan-Get-Down!" Titans pledging activities included: airband, treasure hunt, Tahkodah campout and the final induction. Even though Titans enjoyed many different activities, they had not lost sight of God. Titans also enjoyed their spiritual life. They held devotionals amongst themselves and with other girls clubs such as Sigma Phi Mu and Shantih. Titans were also well represented at the Lily Pool devotionals each Thursday evening. The men of Titans enjoyed the traditional club banquet, held at the Executive Inn, Little Rock. Their hayride offered a chance to romp in the hay at Carter's farm. They were also caught in the spirit of the season with a Christmas party at Wyldewood .. Jm Titans 77