1985-1986 Yearbook

triving for Closeness igma Phi Mu triving for a closeness that will last a lifetime, was the common goal each member of Sigma Phi Mu social club held throughout the 1985-1986 year. Beginning with annual "Welcome Back Ice Cream Party" and continuing through the Spring Banquet held at "That Place" in Batesville, Arkansas, the year was a grand success. The Spring Banquet had the theme of "Magic" and included a magic show as entertainment. Sigma Phi participated in all intramural sports including softball, football, and volleyball. Although no awards were won, fun was had by all whether participating or watching. Growing spiritually was a wonderful experience for each member, as we had devotionals with Titans, and with Kappa Tau Omega at "B" rock. Devotionals were also held at each meeting to encourage each other, and help us through the week. Parties included a Scavenger Hunt , a Halloween/Hayride party, and a "Go Hawaiian Party." Such events as these allowed the older members to become better acquainted with the new members. The Head Start program was the service project for Sigma Phi this year. Keeping the children who attended the school was a rewarding experience. The year as a whole helped each young woman grow closer to each other, but more importantly to God. Perhaps the feeling of the club is summed up best by Amy Fisher, a junior Public Relations major from Nashville, Tennessee, when she said, "Sigma Phi is a unique club in that it has something for everyone. There aren't any two people in our club that have the same needs, yet everyone finds what they need." Jm Squirrelly. Vicki Martin , Dave Finley, Amber Dykes, and Lisa Morton swing back and en joy the playful antics of the campus squirrels. - photo by John Radcliffe. Sigma Phi Mu. Front row: Morton , Horton , Sullivan , ]ones , Shores , L. Phillips , Moon , Thomas , Finley , Orum; second row: Radcliffe -co-sponsor, Martin , Parker, R. Philips, Wat - son, Nichols, Moreland , Lynn , Nickerson , Morris , McFadden , Young , She lton, Fisher , Daniel -co-sponso r, Dykes ; third row : Solley , Gibso n , Maso n , Oats , Koelling , Dion, Hollaway , Harrell , Cooke , Collins , Bergschiker, Kail ; back row: Richardson, Con - ner, Sprou le, McFall , Dwyer, Porter, Baker, Cook , Scoggins, Benson , Walker, Priest. Sigma Phi Mu 75