1985-1986 Yearbook

_ e_oncerned with Service ~hi Lambda Chi 66 Chi Lambda Chi [[] nvolvement and service played key roles in Chi Lambda Chi's goals and achievements in 1985-86, according to President Beth Baughn. "Our motto is 'hands serving Christ;' those few words are very important to us," she said . The club's small size allowed for and encouraged 100 percent participation, she said. The women participated in volleyball, basketball and softball. As well as sports, they held several social functions throughout the year. The traditional parties and celebrations remained important to the club: spring banquet, the annual country supper, Christmas party, and Valentine's Day party. Spirituality was emphasized throughout all the activities , but devotionals highlighted th~ club' s year. Chi Lambda Chi joined with Alpha Omega, Sigma Tau Delta, and Lambda Sigma Delta for devotionals. This regard for spirituality carried over into the club's service projects as they strove to serve others. The women took turns helping care for the infant twins of one of the women alumnus of Harding. They also supported MADD (Mothers against Drunk Drivers). According to Baughn, the clubs diversity, uniqueness and caring spirit put it in line with the biggest clubs on campus despite the smallness of the membership. 11tt Strolling along. Senior Bec ky Plumlee from Salem , Arkansas, and Linda Bivens, a junior from T exas , stroll about campus during the u nseasonably warm January days.- photo by John Radcliffe. Chi Lambda Chi. Front row: Alexander, Miller , Smith , Gibson ; second row: Howard - co-sponsor , Whistle, Bivens, Taylor, Plumblee, Payne, McShan e, Slayton - co-sponsor; back row: Swinton, Cotter, Sh ields, Higbee, Smothermon , Grahn , Eckman , Carmical , Baughn.