1985-1986 Yearbook

Mad rush! At 8:50 the doors of the Benson open , and from nowhere hordes of people appear from every direction. Everyone rushes to chapel, either to get out of the co ld , or to be on time . It's tradition! - photo by Jeff Robinson. Social hotspot. Kris Thomas from Middletown, N .J. , and Lana Harris , a sophomore from Newport , squeeze in a few minutes to talk over Tri-Kappa news at th e social club boxes . Despite their hectic schedu les students always find time to conversationalize no matter wha t kind of time schedule they have. - photo by Jeff Robinson. Cafeteria crowd. Th e mid-day rush leaves many s tudents looking for a place to sit eac h day. During lunch th e daily race slowed dow n jus t long enough for students to socia lize , on ly to begin again just prior to afternoon classes. - photo by John Radcliffe. Harding Races 45