1985-1986 Yearbook

Splash. Jump ing off the cliffs at Heber Sp rings , a popular pas time, takes on a new thrill in the late fall for spon taneous, fully -clo th ed jumpers. - pho to by Don Rottman . Everyone decides to eat in the cafeteria on a Monday night? Guys spend more money on dates than on video games? S tudents stop walking on the grass and start walking on the sidewalks? Wal-mart is not the center of social activity in Searcy? T he Judsonia train trussel zs a legal hang-out again? There aren't any beaten trails a~ross the front lawns? Harding students will swzm at Heber dressed according to Harding regulations? We discover the ingredients of "Gourmet Casserole"? Ev eryone will be on time for chapel? Do you take checks? Ro bbie Van Eaton , a freshman from M ill igan , T nnessee , concentrates in tensely on a game of "Cen tipede" in th e game room . Th e Bison Lanes ' game-room attracted many students between classes w ho we re o n ly discouraged by a slack in quarters. - pho to by John Radcliffe. Will there ever be. .. 39