Open up ... to teachers as people e have the pleasure of presenting to you a man, born and bred in Clarksville, Arkansas. A man who has mastered Mr. Bill's voice and has won the prestigious title of "Ragarm" through his ferocious tossing of the football - a man known as Mr. Don Eichenberger . PJ: How did you find out about Harding Academy? DE: I found out about the Academy through a cousin who attended there and moved back to Clarksville. I then became interested and talked with Mr. Higginbotham before deciding to teach. PJ: What do you teach? DE: I teach a lot of P.E. classes, Psychology, Bible and am fairly active with coaching responsibilities. I also take a class over at the University. PJ: Going back to teaching at Harding; you mentioned that you taught some P .E. classes - do you like working with the elementary kids? DE: Oh yeah , lots of fun. You don't have to work hard to motivate them; the challenge comes trying to channel their energy. PJ: Changing the subject just a little, are you dabbling in synchronized swimming any? DE: Yes, a friend and I are pointing toward the 2000 Olympics hoping that by that time they will have added the men's division in the event. We've really been training hard toward this . PJ: Is there really any difficult area in this event? DE: Yes, holding your breath while upside down underwater presents some minor complications; otherwise it's fairly easy. Oh, and getting the gelatin out of your hair is troublesome too. PJ: In closing, what's your favorite flavor gelatin? DE: Definitely cherry, it's good to get it and squish it between your fingers and through your teeth ...more versatile than other colors, goes with Harding and color coordinates with my hair ...what I want to know is who's got all the blue food! No such thing as blue food! I'm serious! Have you ever thought about it? I know you're probably saying blueberries but they're purple. Did someone come and steal all the blue food?! Maybe somebody's growing big and strong eating blue food and won't share it with anyone else ...but there's no blue food ... think about it. .. . Jlt ~337