Director of the Summer Session. Dr. Larry R. Long. - photo by John Radcliffe. DR. LARRY R. LONG Dr. Larry R. Long, Director of Summer Sessions, concentrated on publicizing summer school at Harding to the summer enrollment. With the help of Stan Green, he changed the look and format of the summer school schedule to a tabloid that included more art and more effective display. The reduction in cost enabled him to print enough copies to include a copy of the Summer Schedule as an insert in the Searcy Citizen on the first Sunday in May. 'The most fun part of my job with summer sessions is working with faculty members and students," commented Dr . Long. "It is especially rewarding to share good times as we do on the Buffalo River float trip." Jtt Registrar. Virgil M. Beckett . -photo by John Radcliffe . 260 Administrative Directors DURWARD McGAHA Meeting the challenge of student recruitment in the '80's called for great ingenuity on the part of Durward McGaha, Director of Admissions, and his staff in the Admissions Office. Getting prospective students on campus has been found very important. In order to achieve this, the Admissions Office has increased the number of High School Days on campus and this year began a High School Bowl contest. In October, he attended the annual meeting of the Arkansas Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers in Hot Springs and was on the program of the Southern ACRAO meeting in Cincinnati. J1tt Director of Admissions. Dunvard McGaha. - photo by John Radcliffe . VIRGIL M. BECKETT Virgil M. Beckett, Registrar, had planned to retire at the end of the 1985 summer session, but it was necessary for him to continue as Registrar for two more years in order to properly train his replacement. During 1984-85, he had completed the computerization of all phases of work in his office. This increased greatly the speed and accuracy with which his office functioned, but it greatly complicated the expertise demanded of the Registrar. He attended the annual meetings of both the Arkansas and Southern Associations of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, both of which met in Hot Springs during the fall semester. 11It Assistant to the President. Dr. James F. Carr, Jr . - photo by John Radcliffe. DR. JAMES F. CARR Although Dr. James F. ' 'Jimmy" Carr, Jr., Assistant to the President, retired from Harding in the fall of 1983 as a full-- time administrator, he continued to serve Harding effectively on a part-time basis. Drawing on his many years of administrative work with the state university system of Florida, he greatly assisted the administration in public relations. Dr. Carr continued to help with Elderhostel and the Buffalo River float trips during the summer and with the United Way drive in the fall. He inspired everyone with his famous expression, "It's great to be at Harding." Jm Director of the Counseling Center. - Dr. Lewis G. Moore . - photo by John Radcliffe ,