1985-1986 Yearbook

Things that go peep in A s two of us in the suite were first peek at our new pets. the night making out Christmas lists Even though she thought they were in the fall semester, listing precious, she was a little skeptical. I lots of cologne, sweaters told her , "C'mon, we're seniors nowand books, my sui te-mate bounced we won' t get caught, " but she informed into the ro om a nd announced / me shortly that her worries were ' 'Razorback Grain and Feed is havin' a different . 'They'll smell bad ." I told sale, and I'm gonna get my Daddy her about the owner's plans to change some chickens." Oh, sure, we chuckled the papers in the box frequently. Then a little, but when she came back an she asked, "Do they ever stop hour later with a box of little peppers, peeping?" I probably told her "yes" - our chuckles turned to "chick" les . but I know better now . One of the members of the suite had It took us a day or two to figure out late permission that night , so when she that the chicks peeped loudest when tiptoed into the darkened room a t they were cold . So we took turns 12:30, she was quite puzzled by the blowing them with a hair dryer, or tiny bird voices in the bathroom. turned on the heating pad which we'd Because she thought the rule-breaking put under their box. This kept the pet-keepers were in the rowdy suite peeping to a soft murmur. above us , she stood with her ear to the For six or seven nights in a row, all vent to collect audio-evidence that she four of us in the suite would gather in could use against them later. Satisfied the first room that our R.A. came to at with her investigation, she slept, only curfew, in order to keep her from to learn the next morning that she was cutting through the bathroom. On an accomplice to the actual crime. I about the eighth night , we had all told her the story - the Christmas gathered for our moment of deceit , one lists, the sale, the secret - then girl did homework, one talked to her dragged her into the bathroom for her boyfriend on the phone, and two of us visited on the bed over a box of homemade fudge. The R.A . turned her key in the door , and we all began to talk louder to muffle the peeping. 'We're all here! Goodnight!" I said. The R.A. got a little suspicious. 'Why are you rushing me out?" she asked, with a curious twist to her mouth. (PEEP). 'WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I yelled . "Oh, I see- you're eating fudge and didn' t want me to have any ." She thought she had discovered our secret, and we let her think it as we laughed, ever so loudly , to drown the little noises . Well , she lingered, had a couple of pieces of chocolate, and was probably quite amused by the one girl doing homework ALOUD, one talking to her boyfriend LOUDLY, and two of us SCREAMING over a box of fudge. At the end of ten days , and the fall semester, all seven chicks , still alive, were packed into the car for a long trip home for the Christmas joy of a daddy. J1t - Sherry Daniel Roben-Marie Roberts - Charles to n , SC Lisa Sarah Rushing - Miami , Fl Kevin J. Santiana - Bridgepor t , CT Sheri Lynn Schoettle - Rogers, AR Kenneth M. Shivers - Oxford , MS Rebecca E. Skelton - W . Memphi s, AR Darrell Ray Spear -Glasgow, KY Jason Todd Stephens - Pangburn , AR Dale E. Stuck - Stra fford , AR Glenn Robert Talbott - l orena , TX Karen Mason Taylor -Tabernacle , NJ Wesley G . Thompson -Searcy , AR Bryan R. Truex - Beall sville , OH Rhonda Sue Umberger - Princeton , WV Yasmin Y. Vega - Pa ngburn , AR Lloyd C . Wallace - Denton , TX Susan Marie Ward - Detroit , M I Joe Don Ware - Gai nesvill e, TX Steven J. Watts - Radcliff , KY Karen S. Wheatley -Sea rcy , AR John Michael Williams - Sea rcy, AR Roslyn Anne Williams - Searcy , AR Danny R. Womack - Sa lado , AR John D. Yee - Braddock Height s , MD Michael John Zanoli - Bi~m in gham , M I Lana Sue Zartman - Nevada . MO 1Second Semester Students 249