1985-1986 Yearbook

Striving for higher education H arding offered masters de·g·.··.. rees in two areas: education and accounting. The gr;duate program in educaio~ .. w~~ the ;larger and older of the o~ a ri"a not' only included Harding raiuates , but many practicing fflB) '0} teachers " returning for post-graduate WOJ;~. B~cau~e of the large number of teadhers'*'in the program, many of the r~.~uate":level classes were held in the evehlngs. Lorene Pagcaliwagan, a graduafe of the education masters program, said ha:~;;she ,f:injoyed t~e program's format, in which the graduate students take a:~y classes together +With the ndergraas. "It's well-blended," she aiel!. '~You don't feel conspicuous." Althoug h the graduate and nsergraduate classes were often combined, ,students ' working on their masters \twere "'generally required to do an extra paper, project, or class presentati0n to*earn graduate credit. Independent studies in research also formed a ~~nL. v)tal part of the curriculum. "They're more challenging than in a regular fi~\, classrooJ;n setting,'' noted graduate student Brent Alexander. The two-year old accoun ting graduate program was conducted on similar lines, with the graduate students sharing many undergraduate classes, but also having several strictly graduate courses. "It's kind of informal, " said graduate accounting student Linda Benton . "You've got a chance to express your opinions and what you know . It's more discussion-oriented." Jayne Knapp, another accounting student in the masters program, gave the program rave reviews. 'Tm basically very satisfied with the courses," she said. "I like the atmosphere in a graduate class - t~ere 's more discussion, more back and forth between the students and the instructors. There is more work, obviously, in a graduate program, but you have a chance to do more research on your own, if you're interested in that kind of thing, which I think you should be in a graduate program . I find it very rewarding ." Knapp agreed with Benton in enjoying the graduate format. "Usually the classes are smaller with just the graduate students, and I like that." Lori Renee Woodworth - Sci o tovill e, O H She added, ''I'm very glad I stayed. I study a lot more, but I do like it, and I feel much more prepared to go out into the business world ." Not all of the graduate students, however , were involved in either of the graduate programs. Some students were able to take classes in their field for graduate credit, which would be transferable to another school later. Eddie Madden, one such student, enjoyed his graduate-level course~. 'The grad courses I'm taking are-definitely worthwhile, " he said. "The classes in English are ones an undergraduate can take, but there's enough extra work for a graduate student that makes them worthwhile. " And he added, "It's nice to have the interaction of the undergrads. " . For graduates of Harding, the advantages of doing post-graduate work here were obvious . "They stress Christian principles here," said Benton. "You really need that out in the working world. I don't want to be a Yuppie." 11tt - Sherry Daniel Anna Karen Kroencke - Greenfield , IN Franklin D. Lott - Searcy , AR Roger Kenneth Maach -Grand Junction , lA Norman Edward Madden - Newpor t , AR Thomas Herbert Martin - Searcy , AR Jeffry Stuart McGee - Dallas, TX Jeffrey Dean Mead - Sea rcy, AR Dorah Mukupa - Kalomo , Zambia Dennis Wayne Munsch - Houston , TX Clyde Walter Owen - Sea rcy , AR Michael J. Patterson - Lake Charles . LA Victor Brent Ponder - Fairdeali ng, MO Timothy James Pugh -Vienna, WV Terri Lynn Rine - Searcy, AR Lisa Ritchie - Warrington , PA Robin Leigh Schwartz -Searcy , AR Laura A. Sitler - Pena Blanca , NM Betty Sue Slaughter - Searcy, AR Charles Dwight Smith - Searcy, AR Homer Anderson Stroud -Sea rcy , AR James Edward Sutton - Ma rion , IL Terri Gayle Taylor - Ba rtlesvi lle , OK Linda Ruth Thompson - Aluquerque, NM John Ward - Sa n Diego , CA Bradley Guinn Watson - Searcy, AR Julie Watson - Searcy, AR Janice R. Wood - Sea rcy , AR Robert Wyatt Woodson - Pine Blu ff , AR Graduate Students 247